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Sorry I missed a couple of days of videos, I've been quite sick so I couldn't record anything. In the future I'm gonna be like a week ahead so you guys don't miss any content and that will be a fall back for when I get sick. Hope you guys understand, content will be back tomorrow


Profi206 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-02 09:57:17 I hope you get 100% fit soon. I'm just waiting for the FMA Livestream xD But take your time <3
2022-06-26 02:21:42 I hope you get 100% fit soon. I'm just waiting for the FMA Livestream xD But take your time <3

I hope you get 100% fit soon. I'm just waiting for the FMA Livestream xD But take your time <3

Zied Loussaief

Take your time and get well bro!