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I've been working a lot but I have very little to show atm, as I've been a bit busy with other things lately, And I've also struggled with motivation. (Mainly because of AI stuff I see and other depressing things.) But I'm getting things rolling, and it's getting better. I'll be posting more stuff soon. I'm almost finished with 2 pages of One Sunny day. I'm reposting this Kirlia from last year since I don't think I'll be able to make any Halloween drawing with the amount of stuff I already gotta do, and since I haven't posted much of late.




No worries, I can tell you right now that the ai stuff will never replace artists. As of now it takes many hours of generating to get anything remotely passable, even then there are still things on the generation that have to be fixed. Ai generation is a much better tool for creating reference images than legitimate art.


Hang in there


Take your time