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I hope everyone is safe and well and having a nice weekend. Welcome to all my new Patron's, I hope you are enjoying what I have to offer so far. I just wanted to let you all know that I have been in and out of hospital for the last 2 weeks with a newly diagnosed heart problem, which was a shock and scare for me considering that I have been in good health for the majority of my life. I have been trying my best to post as consistently as I usually do, but unfortunately I haven't been able to create anything much due to the fact that I have been resting in bed. It hasn't been the best year for me but I have tried to push through and continue to give you all what you pay your hard-earned money for. I do have a back catalogue of content so I will never stop posting and things are finally getting back to normal, so I look forward to getting back to what I enjoy and that is creating high quality Female Muscle Erotica for you all (I've had a lot of time to think of new ideas). Thank you for being so loyal, it really means a lot to me and thank you for being understanding. Have a great weekend and take care.



Dear artist, take a time to heal, get well and soon delight us with new examples of premium female muscle erotica that we love so much!


Thankyou and thank you for understanding. I will always keep posting, and I have started to get back into creating, so hope to have new content up very soon.