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Hello everyone!

Thank you for your dedicated answers on the previous post!

I've been reading your comments, here is my current conclusion.

I don't want to involve money in the relationship, as Emily will use that as a main focus. Basically, Drake, all you said about the money is good, and it's actually already planned... but with Emily ^_^

I've thought about fleshing the game with only unique events, but the cons of doing FWG the way it is, fully animated, is that I need to recycle content much more than a VN game using poses from a DAZ library.
For the story mode and the limited amount of day, I tweaked the random system so that more unique events will occur and less "hedgehog" day should happen.
One of the core aspect I want to add is more player agency during those empty days (see below).

I really want to add a "consequence the next day" system, as you propose Sousuke. I'm keeping it under key for now because it potentially means "wasted" days for the storyline, and I'll need to be careful with that.
Maybe I can play around with some increased favor costs during the next days, or reduce favor gains?
I can't fill the game with contextual dialogues everywhere, but a pop-up could notify the player of the malus.

For the "favor as a resource", I would preferably focus my energy on giving more opportunity to spend favor in a useful way. I don't think giving a reason to the player to avoid spending favor would help.

Tectomes: I still want to help the player have more impact, but in a more "relationship-oriented" way. The game is really random at the moment.

So, I've been thinking this through, and here is what I reasoned:

At the moment, minigames generally increases dominance. As you said, the impact is mostly predictable and it means if you want a dominant Zoe, you just need to fail again and again.
Mostly, I want to keep that because this is how the dominant path is intended: Zoe becomes dominant as a consequence.

But, I will mix it with two things: Rarely, failing Zoe will give another cutscene that increases another stats. Sometimes, instead of increasing the domination, it will reduce the favor instead or in addition.
Less favor should be less possibility to choose for Zoe, so I think it should work.

When it comes to favor, I will re-introduce the system of Emily where you could, during idle chats, say that you liked something. The consequence will be a (permanent?) increases of probabilities for a specific fetish category.
In addition, I'll maybe do the same with failed minigames, where I would decrease the probabilities for a specific fetish (to be analyzed).
We're still random, so it's still up to Zoe, but we can "lean toward" even is only slightly. Hopefuly it will still feel organic and natural, instead of forced on Zoe.

Some new interactions should help the player "choose" something of their own. The only idea I have right now is to put the chastity cage on your own, though it should require some limitation or it would be a bit overpowered. That part, I still need to figure out (maybe you can do it only once? or somehow it would cost favor, but I dont see the logic in it).

Let me know what you think about all this!

Stay safe,



Hello Maybe you can add the possibility for the MC to dress and undress on his own, like your idea for the chastity cage ?

Joe Subramian

Without trying to complicate things, I think that adding a "willpower" stat might help a lot of this. It's sort of like the inverse of Zoe's dominance. But it can be changed independently (e.g. lowered or raised by the MC's choices). For example, Rejecting Zoe's demands not only can reduce favour, it can also increase willpower, and accepting it can leave favour at the same level, but reduce it). This can end up having more realistic, complex effects.