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So, October is coming our way pretty soon, and I want to quickly explain why I'm doing this thing. It's for fun. I feel like I've kind of missed out on a couple of Halloweens the past few years, aside from doing some themed streams, but I wanted to do something a bit bigger this year around. For me, setting this up is a big deal, it's not as grand as I'd like, but I hope you guys will get your enjoyment out of it as much as I will!

 //So a quick summary of the events//

There are going to be 2 streams a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the Saturday Request streams will be the same as always, but it will have a different theme every week, which you will be able to vote for. The Wednesday streams will be commissions streams, and like with the request streams I will alternate between SFW and NSFW. The planner should speak for itself  As mentioned there will be giveaways with every commission stream, some for the public, and some for Patrons. (Yes you are allowed to apply for the public giveaways too, which will be through reposting, liking and commenting on the post)Because the poll was very balanced, I decided to also have separate prices for patrons, which you can find on the sheet as well. All links to commission forms will be shared when they open, and the YCH's will be revealed later on as well. Now, for the giveaways for Patrons I have made 2 little games for you guys to play, since I didn't really want to do the wheel system again for picking out a patron. These games will be revealed later on!  SO MYSTERIOUS

So we will kick off this event NEXT Saturday (the 30th) and I will reveal the first little game for you guys, where 2 patrons will be able to win a Halloween PFP.



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