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Tomorrow I will host a SFW request stream at 7PM CET! This stream will be hosted on the discord server!  
The theme is undecided and you've all had some great ideas, so I will just leave it open for now.  I would like to say I won't be making a list of your requests beforehand this time. I would LOVE to take all requests, but because I might not get to all of them in one sitting I want to do a little game where everyone who is attending the stream gets to roll a die.  

For this I will get a dice roller bot to work in the server! The one with the highest roll gets to go first. This way everyone gets a fair shot.   Note that everyone gets ONE WIN.  

Good to know:  

- If you can't be there at 7PM CET, and you REALLY want to get a shot at a request let me know when you can be there so I can maybe wait for everyone to be present before starting (I won't wait three hours to start the request!).  If the majority who want to play cannot attend and want me to start at a different time, let me know and I will do my best to shift it.  
- In order to play you must be watching the stream (you can do other things at the same time, and mute/deafen, no prob)
- once I have finished a request, we will roll again!  

For those not playing, feel free to join in chat and let's have fun!


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