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It's one of "write your own story" pictures of mine. My suggestion is that girl participate in traditional girls only ceremony of "Witch Hunt" for graduates. Though your suggestion as good as mine here =)

Halloween spoooooky witches! It's not the picture I myself would pick for coloring and since another Hogwarts sketch is currently sit at the top of the poll, I usually would select characters from different media. But it's currently 6th most voted sketch and also is pretty fast to draw, with easy poses, no clothing and no elaborate bondage. So here it is, you voted for it =) Other Potter sketches are out though for this Norendber!

I said that I gonna draw another Nightmare on Elm Street mini-comics, but my sketching Muse decided to skip work this day, so everything I were sketching looked like shit. So instead I moved to the next Norendber picture. Now I will try again, I still have some time until Halloween =)


Some boring developing notes:

As you may notice Luna's pose is changed from the sketch. Chained girls were asked for several monthes and by the end I were running out of good poses:

So I decided to switch Luna to another pose from another chain sketch. I were also thinking to switch Hermione pose too:

and even people I asked about that change were positive. But after some thoughts I decided that changing basically half of the voted sketch is too much + after fixing line-art Hermione pose ended up not that bad:




Too bad you can't tie a good muse down when they skip work.


So sexy 👍


Every time I am amazed how absolutly stunning your artwork looks! E v e r y t i m e !

Trevor Bond

*Pours the muse some good coffee*


I REALLY like Luna's hair here. curls are underrepresented.

A fan

'Write Your Own Story?' Harry Potter chose to return for his 7th Year, established the 'Harry's Harem' instead of 'Dumbledore's Army' where the female students go along with his kinky needs.

D. B.

Found by the top-secret Ministry of Magic, these women were lured in via offers to an elite school - one that doesn't exist. Arriving at the platform, they received their first taste of magic - compelled to strip naked and be chained up. Now, they are marched through the darkened city, wearing nothing but the iron that binds their new gifts (and their limbs). While a glamourie keeps the common folk from seeing them, the walk to their new home reinforces the first lessons taught to them.

D. B.

1. They have left the ordinary world behind; from now on, they live in the world of magic. 2. Magic has and will forever mark them; the only way to change their lives is through their magical powers. 3. Magic has rules; with study, they will gain mastery and the ability to break any chain, save that of the magic itself. 4. If they do not attain mastery, they will remain slaves, bound helplessly forever to a master, their pain - and pleasure - serving a greater purpose.

