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Control Freak in my comics likes to control and also a freak.

UPD: StarFire in the top panel heavily edited both on body proportions and face. Rest of the page have smaller art changes

I draw this page before 16 because I needed to make a good looking design for belts and collars, since girls will spend most of the comics in them. Like you can see in a line art - I draw and fully color them without toys, and then did several different versions, until best one were found.

Also there will be a obvious bonus in a few minutes =)




The last panel 😂🤣😂

The Mu

Dammit, Starfire 😆

Trevor Bond

I mean. Starfire's not WRONG really... and one way to defeat a villain is make them go legit by pointing out it's easier for more profit!


Control Freak would have more money than physically possible if he monetise his remote instead of robbing geek stores with it) That's also works for most supervillians though

A fan

It feels like Raven would still risk getting punishments just for some moments of hurting Control Freak. 'It was worth every second of it.' It wouldn't take long before she realizes she's a masochist, two birds with one stone.

A fan

He doesn't even have to share his technology, all he'd have to do is just charge participants in entering the world he's created. He'd make crazy from attendance even if he's not making physical stuff as props or souvenirs.


Let the games begin!


I firmly believe that the main reason Control Freak became a criminal, in the first place, was to get the Titans' attention. He's really their biggest and most obsessed fan.


Those gags are really not very effective. In fact they're bordering on pointless now...which is unfortunate.....


well yeah. Again, some of the villians do it not for money, but just love doing what they do. My favorite type actually)


That's the point: belts don't take away their free will and make them mindless drones, that's would be boring. Girls still can disobey (and receive punishment) or do tasks poorly (and prolong their slavery)


I think you pretty much nailed a great balance between CF and smut/kink/geekdom. Nice!


Did you not see the note where Sane says gag-speak is being automatically translated for the reader's benefit? You can imaging for yourself what it would really sound like.


Just out of curiousity, on a scale from 1 to 10 where 10 is cheap/insanely hard and 1 is scrupulously fair, how difficult is he going to make achieving the goal?


Oh, and don't forget to remind Raven to drink some water and rehydrate. She's lost a lot of fluid ;)


Where can we find the colored versions of these please?


I wrote 2 ways in the description: "copy shorturl link in tags at the bottom of the page, or here is your treasure map". in the future I will use a easier ways, this one was first clunky version. If you still can't find them - wrote me in the messages and i send you the link


I can't find the full color version of pages 16 or 17 either.


In that post - https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-help-sane-22854475 (by this point I doubt that scrappers will read comments)


It takes me back to this page, link is not working and I did not get mail notification