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Girl winning streak is coming to an end.

Page 14 is also changed, I rewrote the "muzzle" line to better fit the final result on this page + some minor art changes everywhere. Like usual, previous version is also there, so you can compare changes.

Next 2 pages is dialogue heavy, similar to page 14. Due to design reasons, I will need to start drawing page 17 first and 16 later, so they both will be done later then usuall, but close to each other. Probably will finish Watch Party before finishing them both.

But first, bottom row of this page gave a very stupid idea - and as we all know it's the best kind of ideas - so I need to quick-draw it immediately =)


Reminder to not post my patreon exclusive pages outside, since they not fucking finished yet, and I may change things later, both in text and in art. Some assholes continue to do that and now there are a lot of Action Toys galleries with outdated pages on the internet. I will start to label them with big WiP texts, but will start from next page, since I gonna post 13-15 outside soon anyway.



The Cad

Nice!. Ref folk here that are reposting … why??

The Mu

Wow, four hours really did a number on Raven 😜

Trevor Bond

A matter of stamina eh?

Second of Many

Another sexy page! Love their expressions at the bottom, especially just how disheveled Raven looks. Looks utterly overwhelmed and certainly no longer winning


this series is going great to greater, I love Raven's horny face, too exciting.


cf NEEDS to get a few photos of those o faces for when the girls escape (and they will)


oh, for fuck sake! Some little bitch already posted this outside. Well, I tried, but WiP text for half the page it is from now on.


I never understood why people do that. You are actually pretty generous in that you post it outside in a timely manner.


the lines on the butts are a little weird, but other than that amazing page. I really love ravens face in this one and how exhausted she looks.


I lile that star has little sparks in her eyes. Nice touch

The Phoenix King

Raven is so gorgeous here, particularly that close-up panel. Excellent work!


I have a guess where the latest art tweak is leading. It's a stupid idea, Sane, and I'm glad you're going with it. 😎


art tweaks is not leading anywhere, I simply think of a new thing to add and draw them.


I think Starfire is still winning. Raven, not so much.


Raven's mere mortality is getting the better of her, meanwhile Starfires, alien physique means Robin has a LOT of homework to do to keep her happy in the future.


I wouldn't have stopped the spanking entirely; long pauses between while the vibes warned them up, then pick up the pace according to how they react. Kori would probably be getting 2-3 swats for every 1 of Raven's, but even after 4h not back up to original pace. More to surprise and shock and keep off-balance mentally