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This one and future page 16 are probably the most dialogue heavy pages in any of my projects. Comics can not consist only of sexy and actiony panel, sometimes it's just Control Freak monologuing. Next page will be an exact opposite of that =)

You can almost feel the lingering torment of Aidenke on this page. Previous pages don't fully shown the horrors he's been through while helping with this progect.

It supposed to be fast to draw page, but I put more effort then I planned (see line-art) into middle row, plus some real life destractions, so my prediction that I will finish it before previous week ends were incorrect.




Excellent work! Looking forward to more!


Raven in the 3rd panel: We're going to need an unobstructed view of that close up >.>


you meant 3rd panel as an ball gag close-up? there is not much obstructed there, only nose) and I just took a piece of the 13rd page, edited it a bit and added a few details.

A fan

Made me chuckle seeing that robot arm holding a lit light bulb over his head.


I don't know why but I'm dying laughing at his expression in the first panel xD


i kind of want to skip forward to see what his idea is but i also want to know what his got planed for the nozzles


ether way i think raven is going to regret saying that when it bites her in the ass


if cf can get them to go along with it i then i hope he gets starfire in a jessica rabbit outfit mayby playing "patty cake"

Cyrusia Adventures

This comic is clearly one of the best I could have seen! A real treasure! The moment of capture was my favourite (and I even hoped to see someone else like Terra joined the party ^^) but that part 2 is wonderfull too! Now I just hope that idea of him is not something like mental control or brainwashing... they so much better when they fighty >:D


seems like the route we're getting is CF establishes a form of punishment and girls act submissive to avoid the punishment.


I applaud that you get CF's character spot on here. He honestly would be frustrated at their seemingly illogical behavior and would rant about it. Bravo!