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Just out of curiocity what do you think about idea of animated pages?

For additional info - animated page take time to do like 2 regular pages, two times slowing down all process.

I still gonna do them, but how often will depend on poll results. And I like to know general opinion =)


byan marthy

I thought it was good


My feeling is that you need to do what makes you happiest doing this. My preferred release schedule would be the static comics at the quicker pace with animation pages being added after, for when I reread. In a similar way to how you reposted all the finished comic with edits after the individual pages were released. No matter what you do, and how you deliver it, I’ll still be subscribed.


I think its great and at this point shall say that I validate your efforts and desire to make more without imposing unnecessary expectations should you decide the effort is not worth the outcome.


its good but you got to be carful not to force it as i've seen it where its just a pointless add on but this works

A fan

I just worry you have so many things going on, drawing the poll result winners and this project too. As long as you enjoy doing them, well it's just fun, not work, is it? All your works are already great, I do prefer quantity, (many superb works), over quality (one gif).


yeah, good point. though I planned to use animation only where it's fitting anyway, but the line is up to interpretation)


yeah, that's the pain of my existance - I am a slow artist that want to draw too much stuff )


I thought it was good. And would like to see more. Maybe do with what you did with this one, have one section be animated and leave the left still. Than later, you could ask if there are any particular scenes/sections that people would like to see animated.


I've been thinking about dabbling in animation myself...can I ask what app you used to rig and animate your page?


Spine. Though I also can recommend Toon Boom, worked with it 5+ years ago. But spine is more casual-friendly, TB if you want to reeeeeeeealy dig into animation


Save the animation for when it's truly necessary, and impactful. Here, as mentioned, their expressions show they aren't quite as casual about it as their breezy dialog would lead one to think. And their bodies rebounding is of course delightful.

The Tickling Master (K. C.)

I think as an occasional piece, I would like animation. I would probably limit it to 1x a month at most.


it looks like you set a great loop with little to no driffince at the start and end


it's great but not suitable for every scene. so for this example it's great. for other pages it would feel "forced in" and then it sucks

Trevor Bond

I like it quite a lot, though I'd save it for special pages where a loop fits to enhance the narrative, obviously. One offs though, sure!