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Sunscreen? check!

Tropical clothes? check!  

Luggage tightly secured for transport? Check! 

Weirdly glowing new necklace, that you feel like you’ll never take off? check!  

Your best friends and colleagues, who suddenly look a lot better tied up, with enough entertainment for the long flight, ready for being your sexslaves? Double check!


When I said in WiP-version that Clover were semi-finished - I lied) Face redraw for her, face redraw for Alex, face draw for Sam, for how much we can see...

Sorry it took me so long, 2023 is very hectic for me. For example I didn't withdraw money from patreon for the last 2 month and only now maybe found a way to do it. And that just one distraction out of many).

Anyway, time to return to Action Toys! 

High resolution, psd and process or Dropbox.



Trevor Bond

This came out lovely! I was going to mention Clover lacking a shadow (I remember that from a painting in Art Criticism class and it stands out to me for some reason) but I see it already was. So I shall instead wish you a lovely day and I hope things pick up and improve from here!


return to Action Toys? that's more than great news. Also, I like that pic.,


agree, definitely want to see more of a.t.