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First of all, November sketch pack is in the work, and I planned to release it before December ends, but I caught up in all Christmass/New Year vibe and have no time (and will) to finish it in time. So November pack will be in the first week of January and December pack in the last week. Sorry about that. 

So, I have very serious and important discussion about one aspect of the Action Toys. How much game Contol Freak will get? =)

Control Freak (CF) is not sexy and some people, especially from my followers, prefer F/F instead of F/M. But on the same time some people prefer other way around, and some into "fat bastards", so I want to hold a vote and see people preferences. It's not important to the story, and comics still will get plenty of toys action + girl on girl action, so this poll only affects CF precisely. I explain each options in details + out of curiocity I add 2 options (0 and 5) that I will not use, even if they won, but curious how many peoples into that for the future ideas.

You can vote on multiple options, so choose all variants you like to see. For example you may prefer 2, 3, 4 and 5 or for example 1 and 4.

0*) No sex at all, not with CF, not with toys, not girl on girl. Kepping comics vanilla and just bondage and nudity. 

1) CF will keep his freak in his pants. Story reason: my man just want to control, he is bad guy, but not that kind of bad. Like I said, girls will get some action, but not directly from him.

2) blowjobs only, CF get some pleasure, but without penetration. Story reason: well, he prefer that way + other holes will be busy anyway

3) some  blowjobs + occasional sex later in the story, but not the main focus of the comics. It's the option I originally aiming on. Story reason: he got the girls, he get score, but he still prefer control over sex.

4) many scenes of bj or sex, but still not a fuck-fest. Story reason same as above, I will just will draw more scenes and panels of CF with girls. Maybe at the expense of girl on girl scenes, also small chance will make comics slightly longer.

5*) all the sex. Les toys, less F/F, more CF fucking the shit out of titans. Not gonna do that, cause I have other story direction and also I prefer to draw bondage over drawing sex scenes, but curious how many people prefer that version.



Adam Warren's Empowered, while bondaging the epynomous heroine up down and sideways, has the Unwritten Rules™ in effect, which state that sufficiently heinous treatment of captured heros or killing heroes results in "gloves off" manhunts by the hero community...but those are darker, edgier heroes in an edgy setting. In any case, Emp has been molested a great deal but never actually raped. But, this is also a different sort of fantasy. CF has to "get away with it", or at least not be killed by an enraged Robin :)


Empowered stays mostly as fun comedy and don't even show uncovered nudity i believe. So it narratively stays away from rape and such, since there were villians that don't care about rules, but they also don't do such things. I draw mostly porn comics, so I don't bound by that restrictions and goes to the more sexy options =)


+1 for: Bondage Humiliation Distress Too many orgasms or denial Training/submission Using holes Toys Dom getting to do whatever he wants with his "action toys"