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At last, final version. 

Aside from page 1, that I planned to fix from the very start, surprising number of pages get a small edits, which is why it took me so long. 

If you interested in that, you can check differences between old and final pages at this link 

Feel free to post this version outside of Patreon, as I gonna do exactly that.

And now into Norendber we go! 




Have you made any more?


Not yet, but will start working on continuation right after I finish current Spies picture


Very awesome series and I loved seeing the little updates and changes along the way! If I may ask, what did you have in mind for Part 2 whenever that rolls around?


Always wanted to see a side by side of the last minute edits you do. It's so easy to miss the little details! I hate the feeling of looking at something I just posted and finding somewhere I messed up!


He doesn't have anything specific yet, mostly possible directions


I prefer to not spoil a story, let's just say that in part 2 they will try to get along)

Trevor Bond

It's the small details that make a work pop out! Keep up the excellent work, and forward into Norendber!


Hoo boy that’s some hot hot stuff! Like other have mentioned, the attention to detail is just superb. Can’t wait for the next part!


Great work on this comic. I can't wait for part 2.


Great job, and I definitely am looking forward to more. :)


Always loved your drawings, but this made me subscribe. Damn!

Second of Many

Fun to see the first act completed. Look forward to what's next!

The Cad

Spectacular, would love to see a WW series like this.


I really like the way you take the differences between the two girls into account; for example, their HUGE disparity in physical strength (ex: the "glass cannon" and "flying brick" labels). I hope we'll get to see him spend a lot of... "quality time" with each of them, separately. On that note...exactly how hard do you plan for this to get?


Not much. It will be more rough then x-men comics, but I don't lean into "hard" very much


So it's going to be more "risque humor" than outright porn?