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Firstly - AI text bubbles on page 4 changed for better transition, so dialogue make more sense if you read it first. 

I dunno how you will receive whole page, but still it have the best line art I did for Action Toys so far.

Hey-hey, we reached the 1k patrons, not bad! Thanks for the support both the new and the old patrons, hope you will not leave disappointed =)


Today is last day of the poll, results tomorrow. 

Next I gonna finalize all 9 pages, make a post with them in proper order, and post them outside of patreon. Don't know how long fixing will take, though should finish somewhere this week, Norendber will start right after. 



The Mu

The classic duct tape


"This will not hold me" "this will not hold her" bit has the same energy as "The part where he kills you."