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Mostly usual rules: multiple choice, top 2 will be drawn in 2023 (since I already have 3 third-placers waiting to be drawn, this time I take only 2), nothing goes to the next poll right away. All sketches outside of winners can be developed in a more quick and un-polished way right after the poll. After Norendber is over I'll pick 10 sketches that will transit to next poll.

For newcomers: I didn't find a protected way to do mass polls outside of Patreon, so despite that Patreon poll is not very comfortable and can't hold more then 25 variants, I still gonna use it.

Poll will end in November. 

This time I have too many sketches, and didn't want to split poll into three parts, so I cut some sketches off: 1) so only 6 top voted pictures from the last poll out of 12; 2) I cutted some sketches that wouldn't win anyway, or I don't want to draw at all; 3) i still ended up with 53, so I cut 3 sketches that were ok, but less likely to win, sad. 

If your sketch didn't ended up in a poll - sorry!

You can see all variants here. 

Part 2 is here  


And some quick explanation of what Norendber is and how I select pictures to draw for it:

I very slow artist when I work in my usual style, so to compensate once a year for a month (or two) I switch to more sketchy style and draw as many pictures as I can. So if you frustrated with my "1 picture in a month at best" schedule - this is a feast for you. Some years ago I tried to color a picture in a day, but later decided to not limit myself and just draw it until it looks finished, which granted better results overall.

Sketches I pick is selected by:

- firstly: it should do good enough in this polls, and be at least in the top half of it. More votes - the more chances I will pick it.

-secondly: I should personally like it. Nuff said, if I like picture, then I can pour more of my love, care and degeneracy into it.

-also there are third criteria:  since the moto of Norendber is "quantity over quality" the less time sketch is required to draw - more chances I will select it. So, all else being equal, 1-char sketches have priority over 2-char, which is better then 3 or 4; sketches with complicated posses, background, anatomy that need fixing and etc. have slight disadvantage over simpler ones. So don't be surprised if some really good idea stays untouched - I probably decided that they are require full picture treatment instead of quick one.



We will get Alloy one of these days, Just not today.


Unless I'm mistaken #8's name is spelled Aloy not Alloy just fyi


I know that in general, but always forgot when it's time to write her name)