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StarFire poses changes heavily from sketch - I decided to tape her legs together instead of weird pose I sketched before, because extra tightness + she can fly anyway. Also I sketched her with tape blindfold, because in the show she once or twice fired the energy from her eyes Cyclops style... but she looks better with her eyes open and I don't think she ever does this trick in the comics, so I just pretend that I (or Control Freak) doesn't know she can do that.


Sorry for delay, previous week were a busy one. Let's see if I can sketch a July pack before the August ends (spoilers: I most likely not). Also starting from September I will start doing not only comics but also next poll winner back to back.


Somebody dropped all 4 previous pages outside of my patreon. I'm not upset that my patreon exclusives goes leaked, I planned to drop first 3-4 pages out anyway, but later when there will be more pages ready. I'm upset because I planned to look over them with fresh eyes and fix them some more, before declaring them fully finished, and now some people will see imperfect versions first. For example - I forgot to draw Raven forehead crystal on page 4, which I fixed now along with a little dialogue adjustments.

So from now on I will add a little text somewhere on the picture to remind that it's not a finished page. At least when it will be leaked again the people in the comments will know that the poster is an asshole =)



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