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Every time i say online "gonna do that soon", Life says "nope" and throw work on me. I need to stop saying that. Anyway, colored page arrive.

Some announcements:

1) I added folder with hi-res of my oldest pictures on 4$ folder. I were thinking that nobody interested in that, since i myself think they old and crappy, but someone asked so why not. Not all of my pictures in there though, didn't  find hi-res for some of them.

2)I am on vacation from main work until the rest of the month. So i gonna be offline until Monday, but when i get back i should catch up with 4th page and sketches quickly.




I hope you enjoy your vacation.


Another fine and fun page - thanks for posting here before the vacation, and I hope you have a good trip!

Second of Many

Still looking great. Is Laura's top inspired by the one she wears on the X-23 #1 cover? And enjoy your vacation