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Hi, guys! 

Firstly - My DeviantArt page were suspended for a month a week ago, and i were to busy to notice. And even when it get back mods deleted probably third of my pictures, stating that they have underage characters. Just in case someone were curious what happened with it. I probably will create a pixiv account instead later, at least I can understood their logic for moderation.

Secondly: it's been a unproductive two weeks for me, lot's of IRL distractions (my best friend got married) so I can't post much, but hopefully will catch-up later. I decided to not color Ankha-Raven thing, at least for now, maybe will do it later, to post something outside of patreon while I'm doing Action Toys. Instead I tried another presumably fun idea... and after several days of work and 1 broken scanner it ended up looking like shit =). I probably got artistically burned up after Coven 2. I will drop the result with the  rest of monthly pack later.

And for the more interesting part:

It's not the most exiting part of the comics, but there I decided which overall style of anatomy and coloring I will use with the rest of the comics, and changed the Raven and Starfire overall design -  though they very soon will lose most of it =). 

Initially, I sketched girls to look more like their current comics style, but now it's a closer to their cartoon version, with some aspects from comics, to highlight that they are older now, and no longer teens.

Rest of the first page is also almost ready, so I post it soon, if nothing distract me again.

What do you guys think? )


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