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Coven Initiation 2: Initiate Harder

Reminder that this project is direct sequel to this one.  

The wand effect is not just a sketch, but a very bad sketch, so I attach the version without it as a main one =)

Hermione looking more finished then the rest of the picture, but of course she is in a WiP stage too and not any part of her is fully done. Fleur is the most changed from the sketch, I basically grow her from looking like a 13 old Ty Lee to more or less proper look. 

Some hands are looking good already, but just because I got lucky sketching them. I leaving this nightmare to the last steps of the work -_-

Next, I gonna start sketching April and March pack, switching to this picture depending on the mood. Since it's 11 patron sketches I probably split it up by 2 group completely at random. See you soon)



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