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Hi everybody!

Quick announcement: March sketches  will be late this month and i will draw them together with April sketches in May. 

Surprisingly, it's not because I'm late with them, if I wanted I still could do them this month, the reason is quite different this time: I have a technical trouble withdrawing funds from patreon this month, which I hope will be fixed eventually, so I postpone sketches to the point where I hopefully fix the issue.

So there are 2 possibilities: either I fix the issue by the May, and everything will be back to normal; or my issue will be so severe that I will need to search for alternatives, which may result even in a changing of a platform, but I hope it won't come to that. In a second scenario I still will continue to draw, but may temporarily stop doing patron sketches and will refund 30$ and 60$ tiers for both month. 

P.S. Girl's Night Out is 95% done and will be out this week. Basically it's ready, I just fixing the mistakes, so it will be out whenever I fully like it =)


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