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… or something IDK, I didn't watch Star Trek. 

Hermione Granger and Bellatrix Lestrange. I didn't exactly copy their actors look, like usual, so they are mix of their movie and book designs and my own interpretation. 

Now Norendber is finally over. This sketch was living in the polls since the 2018, decided to finally put it to use. I didn't draw it before cause it theme is not fit my usual light mood, but I alsways like the overall pose and atmosphere. And yes, last poll there were another Harry Potter sketch that got more votes then this one, but this one is much faster to draw and I simply like it better. New one will go to the next poll so it still has a chance =)

This sketches are going to the next poll, whenever it may be

What's next: finally will draw December sketches, and right after them - January sketches. (patrons from 30 and 60$ tiers, you can send their next ideas already, December sketches will be a little late). After that is back to normal style with winner of the last poll - comeback of superheroines. Then - rest of the winners in order depending on my mood, and also gonna start working on Action Toys, I pushed this project too often



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