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I decided to follow a trend and catch myself a Corona. 3/10 would not recommend. 

Good news: i'm in a pretty good condition currently and finally sleep a healthy amount of hours a day. 

Bad news: most of time, I laying down with fever and weakness, and therefore can't draw. I hope that will soon change, but can't promise.

Anyway, there will be a delay in all of my projects, hopefully I will catch up, as nothing to do in quarantine other then draw. Also July sketches will be drawn together with August ones in September. Because i'm distancing from my wife, but also from my scanner. You can send your ideas right away. 



Sorry to hear it.. take care and get well

John Storm

Not good news... Rest and get well again ☺️


Sorry to hear, Take Care!


We will all miss seeing your great drawings on a regular basis, but you just worry about getting better. I'll keep you in my thoughts and look forward to your next masterpiece.


Rest up and get well. That's what's important, we'll be here.


be well soon again


Get well soon


Get well soon.


Take care of yourself and I hope you’ll get well soon.


Man sorry to hear, friend of mine got it last week but he’s definitely doing better. Here’s to a speedy recovery for you as well!


I wish you all the best, take care of yourself. Don't feel you need to rush anything, if its negatively effecting your health.


Hope you get well soon, so rest up and we will see your artistic efforts again once you’ve recovered.

jo holloway

Rest and recover, we will be here for you.


Well now that you have it might as well get it over with as quick as you can - turtle for a while and you'll be healthy soon - you have our support!


Take care of yourself and get well soon!

The Phoenix King

Yikes, that sucks! Take as much time as you need to get back on your feet; no sense worsening your health by pushing yourself too hard. Hope you feel better soon!


Take care of yourself

Sven M.

Only important thing is now that you take your time to get healthy again.


Don't worry about us, worry about yourself. If recuperation means you can't draw, then you shouldn't.


Take as much time as you need, and I hope you feel better soon.


Hope your recovery goes well.

Trevor Bond

Recover fully before anything else. Your health is priority one!


Take care


Oh jeez -- that's scary stuff. Take all the time you need to recover -- here's hoping it can go well and that you can get back to 100% soon just to feel better about everything!

Second of Many

Rest, recover and take care. Take all the time you need. Hopefully, you'll be 100% soon. Nothing is more important than your health, so take as long as you need before starting sketches again. DOn't risk yourself on our account


The worst seems over that's the key point. Just take good care of yourself the time needed and get better soon.


Hoping for a swift & full recovery. Don’t rush back into work if it compromises your health. Best of luck man


get well soon man


Oh no! Hope you get better soon!


Congratulations on your improved health! Don't push yourself now - Covid's no joke. I hope you feel better soon.

The Cad

Rest, eat, sleep until you get your energy levels back, work comes later, as much later as it needs to.


This is so good to hear my friend. As everyone else seems to be saying is take some time to heal. From what you've shown us, I don't think those girls are going anywhere soon,


So glad to hear you're healing and doing better 🤗


Glad to hear you’re getting better. It’s bad enough as it is without a great artist like yourself being down and out for a while. Take care and looking forward to seeing your next artistic rendering.


I'm glad you're doing better. Take your time getting back into the swing of things; as always, your health is the most important thing to consider.

The Phoenix King

Don't worry about it, the important thing is that you're healthy and safe.


Good news: Not dead. Very good to hear. :D