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Better late then never I say. No sketches from me, else i wouldn't have time to finish this pack before July. I catch up soon.


All sketches

Like i said before, I already working on Action Toys and then will switch to July sketches and then to the next winner.



Blue Wolf

HOW NOT TO SUMMON A DEMON LORD? I guess I didn't see that one coming. Nice. I reeeeeeeeealy like the Harley/Ivy one. I was going to request a Harley/Ivy next month though, lol!!! I probably still will. This one this month is great! Love it. I like maid/maid-ish stuff too, so I also enjoy the Star Wars one. Good stuff this month.


Great set this time around. I like how Ivy got some peace and quiet for her reading. The Mars gals came out great too. I hope Harley gets "revenge" on Ivy for this one :)


The Mars-inspired piece is a lot of fun -- and the Harley/Ivy piece is fantastic! Here's hoping that one can win a vote and really get the full treatment! :D

Second of Many

Some great sketches. Love the Last of Us and the Harley/Ivy pictures. The physicality of Ellie and Abby is amazing, and love Harley and Ivy's expressions


The Mars trio is excellent and I hope it gets finished. I've never heard of the demon lord anime, but wouldn't be disappointed with it either

John Storm

Promising sketches. They are just waiting for color to come to life 😊