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Ever the curious type, nobody knew the hidden mysteries of Hogwarts better than Luna Lovegood. So, when Hermione approached her to inquire if she had learned of any exotic books - perhaps hidden away in some tiny corners - she knew just where to look. Hogwarts had changed little in the years after their graduation, and she quickly found the glowing tome that she was certain would interest Hermione. However... not all books were willing to be read.

As the one who actually opened the book, Hermione had taken the brunt of its rage, but Luna wasn't to be spared either. When the book flew off, they were forced to follow it, helpless and exposed by the predicament it had left them in.

2 alternative versions. Idea and text by DbzOrDie.

High res, psd and process on Dropbox (psd is messy this time, go in with caution).

Link to reward tag 




Where is the dropbox link?

Trevor Bond

Methinks Luna saved this one for a very special day, lol!

Second of Many

Great picture. Love Hermoine's gag. You can really see what has been stuffed in her mouth


hehehe, I love magical mishaps ^^


Are you going to update the link?


how do you select reward tier?