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And Norendber properly begun! 

These sketch is not the best, but it is certainly good and most of all - perfect for warm-up. Tested some things while finishing this and learn a trick or two =)

 Some notes on how i choose sketches for Norendber, and also for colored weeks before. They must fit 3 criterions: 1) I like them myself (nuff said); 2) They did great in poll (for example, I like sketch with webbed up Mirko, but it did terrible in last poll, so - skip) and 3) they can be done quickly. Last point is pretty important, since there are sketches that good and did great, but i will spend a ton of time on them, while i can draw 2 other at the same time. So if you will be curious why i don't end up picking some good options - they probably need some anatomy reworks and it better be done for a full picture.

I have a selection of15+ pictures that fit all 3 criterions for Norendber, but I probably manage to draw maybe around 7. Decisions, decisions...

p.s. Trendy Accessory got a little fix and all rewards for it now on dropbox.




I concur. Very nice!


That's already a great start. I do love seeing panties in art :p


Super glad this one got selected for a bit of work. They look amazing! :D

Sven M.

looks great^^

Second of Many

Love the matching ball gags. A great start to Norendvember and look forward to what is next


My dear DaLao