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Took me longer that I planned. Though, i could have expected this with 4 characters.

Like usual, it's not the fully final version, more like beta, and I may fix it a little in a day or two; then i will post it outside of patreon and drop high res and additional materials. If someone see something to fix - write me =)

Also, if you didn't voted yet for next pictures and comics, but want to - you have around a week do to so.

Upd: all 5 and 10$ rewards are now on dropbox 




Wow this is gorgeous


This is looking gorgeous


This is a *wonderful* arrangement. Widow looks very content having her attentive collection so nicely set-up just for her. The only thing that I might point out is that Mercy's head / face seems like it might be a teeny bit too far to our right, but the gear and the elements all look fantastic! :D


*low whistle* Damn... this is an incredible scene! I love the lighting and the overall tone/mood - it fits well with Widowmaker's sinister, but also teasing and sensual personality. It's also great that they each seem to have a slightly different "theme" as her slaves. Mercy is the "bed toy", D.va is the puppy, and Tracer... I'll be honest, I can't quite figure her out, but I'm sure it'll come to me with a bit more thought :) In particular, D.va having the slippers in her mouth is a fantastic touch. She doesn't just look like a puppy; she has to act the part too. My one critique (and I'll admit this is probably mostly just personal preference) is Mercy. In addition to what Aiden said about her head being in a slightly weird position, I feel like her outfit is a little too detailed - e.g., I couldn't tell until a second or third look that those are zippers over her breasts (as opposed to chains or something). That's not a bad thing in and of itself, and a lot of the individual elements *are* great... but, it feels like something that would pop out much more if she were the centerpiece/focus of the shot, rather than being off to the side and in the shadows. IDK, I'm rambling at this point. Overall, great work, and I'm very glad to be a patron with this level of quality :)


Thanks! Also i planned to move Mercy head a little, but simply forgot amid all other changes. Fixed now


Thanks and especially thanks for pointing out the head disposition, I need some critique from viewers )