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I was planning to finish this one by this time. I was thinking it would be pretty easy picture. I was soooo  wrong  -_-

For some reasons I constantly getting stuck with it, especially with Magik face (and still not satisfied with it). But i hope it would be finished soon.

p.s. Poll still going, if you didn't vote - go to previous post and do it )




Oooooooooh. Lovely :D


Well that is a good bit of sexy fun here. The ropes look very nice, and Emma is clearly having a good time assessing her recent acquisition... :P


Emma makes a perfect dom! :D


Love the way it looks! i think you're doing a great job, but I see the issue (and keep in mind I could be wrong) but maybe by turning her head either more towards Kitty, or away from her, might help. But again, I could be wrong.


What happened to Kitty? Where'd she go?


nah, it's would be avoiding the problem ) I need to fix her face as it is, not replace with more easy to draw