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sorry for my long absence, X-men comics takes all my time (at least what was left by Witcher 3) and I still working on it, currently on third page so I decided (with Aidenke's approval) to drop finished pages here early and show you that i'm actually drawing something) consider them as preview, cause i'm probably will do a little error checking later. And you will get a HD version when all be ready) and of course - commission by Aidenke




Such a fun way to pick back up, and can only imagine what that second sketch by Colossus turned out looking like... :P


I love this series but I think I missed something with the rope marks on Illyana's arms.


well, we with Aidenke decided to jump a little ahead and skip part with a Kitty and Magik both tied, which was hinted in previous page, to go for more interested storypart. BUT we will comeback to this later. I write more details about it when comics will be ready.