February sketches and some plans for bright future (Patreon)
Sketches for the January and February. Not a lot, because not many patrons asked for a sketch this time and a bigger sketch-project from myself is not ready yet (spoiler: it involve several pages full of peach).
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wimb21suyh4r5cb/AADkXtCP2NNIkhgyUiBVLjyta?dl=0
Also pictures in the bottom of this post.
And now some news: I finally decided to direct more of my time towards patreon and adult art in general (not all of my time, i love my job, but much more then before), which means a lot of positive changes starting from March. So, in very close future there will be more experiments with comics and animations, I have many plans and ideas! And also i would stop falling behind my own schedule... probably =).
But to start new projects I need to close unfinished ones, so just after I finish "PowerGirl and Atlee" picture (already in process, WiP will be next week), I gonna work to finish the Night Games comics, probably parallel to the next full picture.
Stay tuned, this will be fun )