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 Once Diana found out that Cassie Sandsmark - Wonder Girl - had gone missing, it had only taken a few days of searching to discover where she'd gone. Determination was one of her strong suits and while the institute's nurses were expecting to have to prove their own determination in turn, they were quite surprised to find out Diana's opening move was to surrender. One of the Nurse-Captains reported something about her having "no interest in fighting a sisterhood of warriors" before she issued demands that she be given a tour of this facility and to be taken to her fellow daughter of Zeus, not batting an eye at the "safety requirements" she would be expected to wear before they would take her inside.

 She didn't bat an eye as they put her in a series of restraints, or when they requested she allow her lasso be used as well. But that didn't mean they trusted her. And upon confirming that Cassie was healthy and generally well cared for, Diana made clear that she expected to see what else this facility offered -- perhaps not prepared to discover who else might be hidden there already...

I asked Aidenke (it's his sketch idea) to write short story to explain what happen at this scene better. 

Also for a record, " Restrictive (or Kinky) Co-Pay" was also considered as a title, but i just don't know what Co-Pay means as a word -)

High resolution already on Dropbox, psd and process will be tomorrow, though psd for this one will be boring (previous one, for BlackFire, is the best one i have) and process will show how much i struggle to make this one work.

  Reward folders: 1$ tier  -  5$ tier  -  10$ tier  

P.s. Monthly sketches already in work, but they will be a little late into March. Yes, as usual. It's just patrons decided to collectively bury me in ideas at the last month, and I didn't have time to draw all of them yet. If you are a 20$ tier patron and didn't receive your sketch yet - don't worry, it will be send in a week.




Incredible work! Is this place, perhaps, the same "Institute" that Alexanderlegrand and other bondage artists like to depict?

Second of Many

Looks wonderful completed. And does Aidenke have plans for a follow up commission? Find out who else is hidden inside? That would be cool, as both the piece as aidenke's writing are great. And a Copay is the amount that your health insurer makes you pay for treatment. And so, being tied up this tight is a pretty restrictive cost for Wonder Woman's medical treatment. And a very kinky one


aidenke had already several pictures with this theme and I can't speak for him about will or will not he stop with them)


Such an amazing piece, it turned out so well that I've definitely had a few ideas for where we might go from here as Diana demands a tour of everything this facility has to offer... :P Thanks so much for taking such amazing care of this scene and here's hoping everyone else is happy they voted for it too! :)


Why do I get the feeling that this is the same place Power Girl and Terra are at?


I do like what Cassie is wearing. The nipple clamps, ass hook, and vibrator while being lead around is too good. A+ SanePerson

Just Passin By

So sexy and amazing. Great job!!