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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for "All the President's Men" which will premiere later this evening on YT. Hope you're all having a wonderful day and thank you SO MUCH for your support here on Patreon. You guys are the best.




For more great Dustin Hoffman try Tootsie where he plays a neurotic out of work actor whom cross-dresses as a woman to get a spot on a daytime TV soap opera about a hospital. REALLY funny with Bill Murray too !

Paul Rich

This was at a time when journalism had integrity. I took journalism in college. The sacred Ws. Who. What. When. Where. Why. Now it seems way too much opinion gets in the way of objective truth telling. I won't name the guilty media culprits lest I openup a can of worms.


Journalism used to be to report the news, now it's to slant the news from their particular viewpoint


Follow this up with The Post. Great movie.