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My brain obviously doesn't wrap around time travel... but it is so romantic! These two had great chemistry, a touch of magic love story and a perfect February movie! This was my PPOTM, enjoy! Star Trek VI will be up tomorrow :)

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[Full Reaction] The Lake House (2006)



It is confusing I admit. Look at it this way, the only thing that time travels is the letters but what they do differently in their timelines can effect the other such as the tree and her telling him not to go causing him to not try to cross the street and therefore die. All he has to do is just wait his two years and then meet up with her in her year. The only reason it didn't work at the restaurant is because in her timeline he had already died. When she stopped that from happening and he just lived his life they could then meet.

Lewis Creech

Watching this tonight! Good choice for February.