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My mom happens to be visiting now, and we are excited to put a poll of some of HER favorite movies (that I haven't seen yet). Last year the winner was October Sky, which I LOVED and we are including some of last years picks that didn't win as well. She doesn't see a lot of movies, and falls asleep 9 times out of 10, but these ones kept her attention ;)

As I write this she is making salads for a family bbq, reading to my kids, teaching them magic tricks, doing my dishes and just always serving. She is everything I want to be when I grow up and my best friend. 

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms, they make the world go round and should be safest place to land.

Excited to see what wins!



I almost went with Finding Forrester. All those who commented about this movie are spot-on. You'll love it, but it doesn't seem like Mother's Day fare... So I went with Erin bc I love that movie too, and Erin is my fiancée's name. ♥️


PLEASE PLEASE WITNESS!! From day one I've watched your reactions and always wanted you to watch WITNESS. Because I know you will love it! Carly will too!! I am not only the biggest Harrison Ford fan, I've seem all his movies in the theatre since May 25 1977, but the biggest Peter Weir fan. I've seem all his movies in the theatre since 1980. Peter Weir made Witness and I think is Australias best director. You've watch Master And Commander his 2003 movie and loved it. He has made so many brilliant movies. "Picnic At Hanging Rock"(1975). "Gallipoli"(1981), A true story of Australias worst World War 1 battle Starring very young Mel Gibson. "The Year of Living Dangerously"(1982)A romance with Mel Gibson & Sigourney Weaver. "Dead Poets Society"(1989) One of Robin Williams best. "The Truman Show"(1998) One of Jim Carrey's best. But "WITNESS" is my favorite. Not only is it an excellent thriller, a beautiful love story with the best kiss ever, but a great study of the Amish life. When I saw Witness in 1985 no one knew anything about the Amish. I live in southern Ontario Canada, we have a big Mennonite population here. As a Harrison Ford fan I would say Raiders is his best movie, but Witness is his second best performance. Witness shows what a perfect leading man Harrison was. In Witness his character has the most amazing relationship with all the characters. Like in all his movies He improvises a lot, creating one of the best scenes in the movie. Car, Barn, Dance. That's all I'll say.

james flack

Dr. Zhivago is an interesting movie if someone wanted to see how the Russian Revolution started and how it changed the history of the entire world. It must be a factual account because the USSR banned the film and then went so far as to also ban the music from the movie.

Jor Dooger

A star is born incase you haven't seen it. Very good movie. The newest one


heard good things on a star is born should consider it


Wow, Lion literally got the least votes. I swear I'm hanging out in the wrong patron reaction channel. :'(

Kevin Townsend

Alright! Witness! I’ve been suggesting this movie since you watched Raiders.

David Collins

It wasn't widely distributed in the US so very few people even know about it. I only know about it because I loved Dev Patel in Slumdog Millionaire and did a search to see what else he was in. It's a terrible shame, really. It'll never win a poll, Cassie will just have to trust Mom and watch it someday.

Shawn Kildal

After Witness, the remaining Harrison Ford "must see" movie selection will be slim pickings in my humble opinion. The only other two I can think of are Presumed Innocent and Working Girl. There are several others that are enjoyable, like Frantic and Regarding Henry but not absolute must see, I think.


I don't know why more people don't talk about Presumed Innocent - it's a great movie. I like it more than Witness, in fact.

Zachary K. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:12:29 Frantic was actually directed by Roman Polanski
2023-07-09 00:12:29 Frantic was actually directed by Roman Polanski
2023-07-09 00:12:29 Frantic was actually directed by Roman Polanski
2023-07-09 00:12:29 Frantic was actually directed by Roman Polanski
2023-07-09 00:12:29 Frantic was actually directed by Roman Polanski
2023-05-08 18:50:02 Frantic was actually directed by Roman Polanski

Frantic was actually directed by Roman Polanski

John Liebling

I can see Cassie and Carly enjoying Witness. I still think they would both enjoy Dr. Zhivago more than Erin Brockovich or Double Jeopardy.


I just rewatched Presumed Innocent. It's so brilliant. I know it's not perfect but I got a soft spot for Hanover Street.