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Carly joins me as we kick off watching "scary" movies this month... but scary to Carly is Speed and The Firm, so we'll see how she does! I don't want to give too much of the reaction away so you'll have to watch to find out what we though about it, but one word I would use to describe it is... bizarre? Hope you enjoy! 

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[Full Reaction] The Birds (1963)



Many have theories as to why the birds attacked, Hitchcock explained that one thing that inspired the movie was a real event in which birds did attack a town diving into cars and attacking people, but it wouldn't be until a few decades later that the cause was a toxin found in algae that contaminated the bird's food supply, if you watch the movie again you'll notice the love birds don't go crazy or try to attack, the first attack we hear about was a week before the events of the movie takes place with seagulls going after a boat, the chickens in the area though we never see or hear about them attacking we do know they too are acting strange, the only birds not going crazy are the love birds and those in the pet shop we saw in the beginning. So far it seems just those birds in that area are affected and like the event that partially inspired it it could be a toxin that's affecting the birds given that no actual supernatural incidents occurred also and most likely it all could just be a message left up to the audience to interpret however they want, there's a "sequel" that came out decades later, but no answers there almost a poor copy of the original there's also a similar movie that came out in 2008, but with no birds, it also didn't do well, generated more laughs and memes than scares.

Lana Gorgeous

A little trivia, the main lead female actor Tippi Hedren is the mother of female actor Melanie Griffith.

Aaron Hawkins

As amazing and as unsettling as the ending and last shot of this film is, the original alternate ending would've been even more so. The main characters were going to make it to San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge was going to be covered with birds. It was planned and they made storyboards of it but the special effects limitations of the time made it an impossible shot to accomplish. Still, that ending and image would've been so awesome and chilling.

Michael Jung

It strikes me that Melanie, who displays zero respect for boundaries at the beginning of the film (she tells lies, sneaks around, breaks into Mitch's house to drop off the lovebirds etc.) represents a humanity that has no respect for the boundaries set by nature. In the end, the birds punish the humans and Melanie in particular who still has no respect for boundaries (she follows the sound of flapping wings and enters a room filled with birds, knowing full well that the birds are killers). Melanie may not have caused the bird attacks, but she is a living example of how some people never learn.