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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Jojo Rabbit which will premiere this evening on YT! Hope you enjoy!

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Here is a link to the full reaction. 


[YT Edit] Jojo Rabbit (2019)


Stick Figure Studios

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Yes, it's a hilariously provocative satire, but also incredibly sweet and charming. Honestly, I think I even prefer it to the more problematic LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.

Celeste McAllister

I did have a little trouble accepting Hitler as a goofy comedic character,wasn't he a monster? The maniacal leader of National Socialist Germany?

Stick Figure Studios

Yes, but not to JoJo. To him (like much of Germany at the time) he was a hero, a rockstar, the savior of the country. That's why we see Hitler the way we do in the film. It's through JoJo's eyes: his version of Hitler is everything that a young boy would want in an imaginary friend. What's interesting to watch is how that changes over the course of the movie as JoJo's own ideas and attitudes gradually shift. Hitler becomes darker and more unhinged as JoJo begins to realize what he really is. In all honesty, though I like the idea of that in theory, I had a harder time accepting Waititi's Hitler as a more serious and terrifying figure. Taika does his best, but he's better at the comical buffoonery than he is at the genuinely frightening stuff.

Ben Livingstone

That actually kind of makes sense. The Hitler character was more intent on frightening Jojo, even as he became weaker in the boy's mind. The more menacing he acted, the more pathetic and laughable he was shown to be.

Stick Figure Studios

That's a good observation. :-) As I said, I like that idea very much. I just wasn't as convinced by Taika's performance as much in those scenes. He's better in the first half of the movie than he is in the second half I think.

Jim Williams

I agree with Stick and Figures - In a satire the goal is to make things a bit absurd. But to JoJo - Hitler was a good guy because he did not know any better. But in the end he figured things out.


If he was being portrayed as the Nazi leader I would agree. But as a 10 yr old imaginary friend. It works real well