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Ok click here to see my video explaining the draw and drawing the numbers!!

I wanted to do one from Planner's Web app. I decided at least for this first one to have the numbers 1-50 in a bowl and pick out 6 numbers and whatever movie was in that spot, would be on the poll! I think we have a nice variety-3 days, lets do it!


Philip G.

What if every poll from now on we tie, forcing Cassie to watch all of the movies 🤔 💡

Celeste McAllister

Top 50 poll has been a total success Cassie♡..next time it's #51-100?


Yes Superman!! I saw this in the theatre when I was 14 and the audience reaction to Christopher Reeve was amazing! The film broke new ground and was the film event of Christmas 1978. I'll never forget everyone looking at each other in the theatre and said "I think thats the real Superman!"


I'm hoping for a Top 10 poll or Top 1 watch :D I'd hope that would prompt some of the 800+ patrons who voted on the poll who aren't on the web app to add their requests to the web app - it will lead to the web app better representing what patrons want to see :)

Happy Hanukkah

Hear, hear. [Replying to Planner.] [Edit: And not meant to disagree with Celeste.]

Celeste McAllister

That'll work yet i still like a "the next 50 poll" #51-100,101-150 and so on,there are many really good films back in the pack before the 94th page,movies that have a audience and will get views.$$$

John Cranberry

YES YES YES YES - suck it all you GT fans. Superman is the man!!!!!

Philip G.

Don't cry when they laugh at how corny it is like yall did with batman 89

Gábor Árki

Superman with one vote. If you dig into the HTML source, you can find the raw counts.

Daniel Pulliam

To be fair, Superman is empirically a much better film than Batman ‘89. And don’t get me wrong, I like Batman a lot. I was 11 when Batman came out, so I was the perfect age and it holds a ton of nostalgia for me. But while Batman is a pretty in-your-face 1989 time capsule, I’d argue that Superman is a timeless classic.

Stick Figure Studios

@Phillip G. - I will bet good money that she (or they if Carly joins her) will enjoy it much more than BATMAN '89.

Michael Threapleton

First time in my life I ever felt like my vote counted. And it was a tactically switched vote from N by NW. Yeah democracy.

Shawn Kildal

I'd rather do another top 50 poll minus the movies that were included on this poll. But I'm down for either.

Shawn Kildal

I sent Cassie a message hoping she'd watch one single episode of The Adventures of Superman from the 1950's. It was the really the only live action Superman that we the general public had known until the '78 movie had come out. My thinking is that this would help her appreciate the movie even more.


Your vote carries significantly more weight with only 2.5k of us here. Congratulations on your victory.

John Cranberry

No way - The Original Superman was very well made. Cassie will cry when Loise is trapped in the car and Superman loses his mind. The Batman 89 was very Tim Burton and didn't age very well, only Keaton carried it well. But Superman is a solid 8/10 for it's time. And don't forget Gene Hackman as LL.

John Cranberry

Thank you for voting on Superman. I can't believe it was fighting off such a overrated film like GT. People forget how racist and how predictable GT was. Cassie will probably watch it I think, so I will want to see if my memories serve me correct. Go Superman.

John Cranberry

Mate, she is going to love Superman. It still holds up till this day. CR was and still is the best Superman by far. I mean it is a Superhero movie so you have to consider that also. Cassie will cry at the end bit with Loise, bet you anything.

Keith Jones

Michael I also moved my vote from N by NW to Superman when I saw where the poll was going, not that I disliked GT, but both I voted for are one I liked more

Shawn Kildal

John, Cassie does read our messages here. Let's not give away spoilers


Shawn, I think watching an episode of the old serial is a great idea! And, dovetails nicely into this movie.

Jerrod Acree

Superman is an inferior film based on substance & acting.


Cassie. Superman is good movie indeed. but GT is gonna make you FEEL. make sure you have tissues. Love you long time.

Joe M

Good to see Cassie is FINALLY getting into the DC universe. I couldn’t think of a choice then the original classic; Superman.

Michael J

I don't know what it is with me, but movies like GT. Their great movies, but the pacing and stuff, and subject matter. I think I've seen enough outside the house, I'm just not that interested. And I'm not really a movie guy, but I have watched a lot of movies. I know that's totally contradicting, how can I explain it. There's just certain stuff I'd like from macho racing movies, to Harry Potter, Syfy, to horror movies. Even coming of age, and unique love stories. Titanic is a cliché, but I love that movie. And I also like Friday the 13th, so go figure. I don't know I just like what I like, and don't like what I don't. I don't try to fit in any sort of click just to. Im even that way with music, if it's good it's good, metal to pop to classical. My parents were always about being open to everything. Example, my two best sports were motocross and bowling. Again two different ends of the spectrum.