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Hey guys! I think this is going to be fun!! My first SW tv series. I just love Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan. I think the relationship with him and Leia is going to be sweet. It takes me a minute to orient myself in the timing of all this but I think I got there ;) Can't wait for the next episodes!

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[Full Reaction] Obi-Wan Part I & II


Clay F

Flea is a damn good actor (ha). A damn good bass player.

Stephen Dias

The relationship between Obi Wan and Leia in this series is my favorite part. I'm not a fan of the girl boss, Reva (no offense to the actress). BTW, I discovered that the girl playing Leia, Vivien Lyra Blair, and I have the same birthday.


Cassie: “They need to do a “Previously On…” and viola! That is the power of PIB. Actually, it was helpful for me too since I’ve only seen the prequels a couple of times. When I heard you were gonna react to this, I waited so I could watch with you. First, let me just say that I love the opening with all the different helmets. I remember that from the Mandalorian. I enjoyed that show. I watched the first couple episodes of The Book of Boba Fett and had no interest in continuing. Although, I did hear about a cameo, but I won’t say as it might be a Spoiler. So, I may try to go back and finish. I can’t remember which prequel it was, but Anakin meets his stepbrother Owen who is Luke’s uncle. I’ve only seen these first 2 episodes and so far I like it. I was surprised to see that Ewan MacGregor is the Executive Producer. I do wish they would have found a boy to play young Luke who had blonde hair like he did in A New Hope, but that’s just me being nitpicky. I did notice the toy Obi-Wan left him and remembered him with it in A New Hope while he is cleaning R2 and C3P0. I thought little Leia was so adorable and watching her just made me picture Carrie Fisher throughout the franchise from episode IV when Luke and Han rescue her from Vader to the sequels and her son turning into Kylo Ren. RIP Princess. Cassie, Obi-Wan had been living a simple life away from the Empire, so maybe he believed Anakin died from the burns he received from the Lava and didn’t know that Vader was actually him… I don’t know. Just guessing 🤷🏻‍♀️ I did watch the credits at the end of episode 2 and saw that it was Hayden Christensen playing Vader at the very end in that water tank. I was curious if we’d see Vader and if Hayden would play him. Cassie, I agree with you, I really liked little Anakin and wonder what would have happened if Qui-gon, sorry Quiggly hadn’t died. I had a poster when that first prequel came out of little Anakin and his shadow was Darth Vader😱 There are definitely continuity issues for sure like Leia not knowing Obi-Wan when she sends him the message in IV. Old Obi-Wan telling Luke that he hadn’t gone by that name since before he was born etc. but that stuff can’t be changed, so I can look past that and will be watching the rest of the episodes with you Cassie 🍿

Joe Mallard

Ewan McGregor is such a fantastic actor, his face tells the entire story.


How would he know Anakin is Darth Vader? They are different names, and he thought Anakin died.

Nathan Steele

At the end of Episode 3, he saw the recordings of Palpatine naming him Vader.


The last Obi-Wan saw of Anakin he was dismembered and burned alive so I think he just assumed he died that day. And he didn't know about Vader because on tattooine information about the comings and goings of the galaxy is very rare because of the seclusion. Super stoked to see how you respond to Episode 3!!!:)

Robert da Spruce

Did you get a haircut Cassie? Looks nice. Forgive me if that’s old news. I’m a guy. I often miss such things. 😉

Stick Figure Studios

This is what I was going to say. He knew Anakin was Vader. He just didn't know Vader was now second in command over the Empire.


Same. I once told a female co-worker that I liked her new glasses. She's had them for little over six months.

Mr. Killeverything

That was Anakin at the end of Episode 2, or should I say, Darth Vader.

Kevin C

Fun trivia: In episode 2, the girl with red hair who Obi-Wan asks for help finding his "daughter", and tells him "I was someone's daughter once, too".... She was played by Ewan McGregor's real life daughter, Esther-Rose McGregor!

Kevin C

I really hope that Cassie will watch The Clone Wars animated series...at least the recommended episodes. I'm obsessed with Ahsoka's character and journey, and the payoffs that come in the final season, and especially the final four episodes, are just so emotional. I think she'd really enjoy her journey!

Will C

It’s important to know that Darth Vader is not second in command of the Empire. Grand Moff Tarkin is. This is made clear in the original film (episode 4). Vader is muscle. The fist so to speak. So for Obi Wan to not have heard about him while literally living in a cave on a non-empire controlled world makes sense just fine.


This is a good point. Have read a few of the books and comics and generally speaking, if Vader shows up then it is basically curtains for every enemy of the Empire. Hell, Vader even kills imperials and "friendlies" on a number of occasions. Its not such a stretch to think that a hermit, living on a distant planet on the outer rim would not have heard the name being spoken. Maybe a "masked and armoured killer for the Emperor" or some such but not necessarily "Darth Vader".


I mean technically you're right about Tarkin. But c'mon, put him in a room with Vader and see what they agree on. I can hear Vader using Bane's line on Tarkin... "do you feel in charge?"

Will C

I don’t know, Tarkin bosses him around a lot in Episode 4. Once the Death Star blows up, yeah Vader is in beast mode and only he’s in charge. But prior to that he seems to be more of the “gets things taken care of” guy

Joe M

I gotta say, coming from only a causal Star Wars fan, I’ve never gotten to any of these Disney plus Star Wars shows, but I’m enjoying the hell out of this one. So far each episode ends on cliffhanger note and that’s what makes it interesting. Now looking forward in watching along with Cassie.