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Hey guys! I can't believe we've watched 6 Rocky movies!! I'm so glad we were able to watch this series together. We need more Rocky's in the world! He is so endearing and just makes you want to be a better person! I won't spoil much of the reaction but do know that we are looking forward to watching the creed movies! Hope you enjoy!

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JD Nevesytrof

There are some deleted scenes (available on YouTube) that I wish had made it into the final cut, especially immediately after Paulie loses his job and storms into the restaurant, he has a breakdown in the alley in front of Rocky where he again laments how terrible he was to Adrian, and even wishes he had died instead of her, because she didn't deserve that fate. Rocky talks him down and lets Paulie move in with him, and after that is when Paulie turns to leave and tells Rocky he believes in him. Other scenes show Rocky carefully taking care of a depressed Paulie at home, even making his breakfast and picking up his laundry, and it's a lovely touch to the story.

Sam R.

It always makes me cringe a little when I know you're about to get punched in the gut , the both of you. You guys were so looking forward to Adrian and Rocky being in love and Rocky not fighting once again I was like OH NO ! well it'll be ok Cassie and Carly can take a hit . By the end you were cheering him on and understood why he had to keep living his life that he didn't want to give up on trying. That speech to his son is my favorite I've watched it many times. LOVE you you're the Best and Carly is too


THANK YOU! I remember watching the deleted scenes on my dvd years ago but either the Paulie ones weren't on there or I had just completely forgotten about them. Edit: Wow that scene at least should have been kept in. I always found the original scene awkward how Paulie goes from mad and storming out of the restaurant to making jokes and being supportive with nothing happening in between. I always just assumed Paulie got mad but quickly realized he was taking his anger out on Rocky and that was his way of saying sorry. I like the deleted scene better. Overall he's not such a great guy and when we first meet him he was downright awful, but I like Paulie.


Ohmygosh how have I not known about that deleted scene! I just watched it and nearly broke down myself! It's criminal that it wasn't included in the theatrical release. Even though, in an earlier movie, Paulie admits to treating Adrian badly, to hear him wish that he had died instead of Adrian is heartbreaking.


Carly before watching the movie: "I just hope him and Adrian are together forever and in love and that's all that really matters. That's all I want from this". Me remembering one of the opening scenes: "Yeah, about that....." Also, I would implore both Carly and Cassie to watch this deleted scene from the movie showing Paulie and Rocky's conversation after Paulie walked out of the restaurant through the back entrance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugg6NDxwGF4

Doug R

Cassie and Carly missed in the very beginning the picture of Adrian on the night stand. That was a slight tell that something was up. However, missing that made their reaction at the cemetery so much more shocking.

Doug R

Maybe one day for a special event there can be a second viewing of Rocky, Rocky 2 and Balboa. I still get misty every time I am sure Cassie and Carly would have a similar reaction and may see some things that they missed the first time.

Robert da Spruce

Great reaction ladies! Even though I had seen this movie before. Aside from Adrian passing away, I didn’t remember anything about the rest of the plot. Totally didn’t remember Milo Ventimiglia playing Rocky’s son. I didn’t really get your references about him. I assume they have to do with his later roles. I enjoyed the film. I think it was a fitting conclusion to the Rocky franchise. Looking forward to Creed!

Jason Chirevas

One thing real quick that I haven’t seen mentioned… One of the most important developments in this movie is Rocky’s relationship with Little Marie and, to a lesser extent, Steps. While we never want Rocky to move past his love for Adrian, and he doesn’t, he DOES see the Adrian he first met in Little Marie and her circumstances, and — unlike his relationship with Rocky Jr. aka Robert aka Jess — it’s something to which he can relate. So, although he doesn’t fall in love with Little Marie the way he did Adrian, Rocky taking an interest in and helping Little Marie is the first time he’s able to fully move beyond being a receiver of support to being a successful giver of support. It’s a maturation for Rocky that helps him grow as a person, even in late middle age. No one intended it at the time, but that growth for Rocky is going to be very important the next time he’s on a movie screen.


I am trying to watch this, however, Cassie's view of the movie is blurry and no sound for the entire length. Is it just me?


I think they are doing that for copyright reasons. Its pretty annoying, some of the older reactions like Band of Brothers are completely removed now (maybe for that reason)


Frustrating...I just dropped $10 specifically for this full reaction session. Hope there is a fix.

brooke atkins

You should’ve read it before you signed up. Of course she can’t show the movie for copyright reasons of course. Otherwise her patreon would get shut down. Just stream whatever she’s watching and you can sync it up and watch along.


Thanks for the reply. Rushing into things seems to be my specialty...


Dixon was not a villain in this movie. He was more like a peacemaker

Robert H

I'm a little late watching this as I had to take a break from my membership for a couple of months. This movie is extra special to me as I was an unpaid extra for one day of filming at the Mandalay Bay in Vegas. And just so you know... Burt Young (Paulie) is such a great guy in real life! In between filming scenes he would come and talk to us and tell us stories and answer questions... it was the best! Sly addressed everyone in between a scene and thanked us all for giving up our time to be a part of the movie. He told us what it meant for him to finally get this movie made as he had been trying for many years. It was a great experience that I will never forget. Great reaction as always!

Robert H

Funny thing is that many of us extras were booing Mason during his ring entrance and Sly had to stop filming and tell us to tone it down some. He explained that Mason wasn't really a bad guy in the film and that he didn't want the audience hating him. Most of it was pantomiming and we looked pretty stupid but yeah when we were told to make noise we initially were booing him loudly!