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Hey Hey Hey!!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Thanks so much to those who joined in on the LIVE, sent packages, have since watched and commented etc. Thank you to the mods for helping out! I had a lot of fun! We did a pillowcase pull and pulled "Anatomy of a Murder" and "Clear and Present Danger" which is actually kind of a twofer because I think I will watch Patriot Games first! I meant to just have the movie titles printed out and pick a paper but ran out of time. Next time! Krusty also had the idea to do piles and dice rolling which could be super fun. Another patron messaged me saying I should pick out 10 movies and then do a poll on patreon, also love that idea, that's why I keep you guys around ;)

Here is the lineup this week. VERY excited about all of these, Carly is coming over tonight to watch Legends of the Fall <3

What is everyone doing for Easter this weekend?  We are keeping it simple, staying home with an egg hunt, candy and "The Prince of Egypt" with the kids!

Ok I have some fun polls coming up in the next month, Heist, Summer Blockbusters (one a month for May-Sept), Mother's Day Poll (my mom's fav movies I have never seen) and a Memorial Day Poll! I am trying to catch up on Jurassic Park movies and the newer Marvel stuff before the new ones come out soon too! Action Packed people! I'm just having so. much. fun! Seriously, thank you for allowing me to do this with you all!

Ok, chat with me in the comments and you are the best!



Ben Livingstone

Definitely "The Sting." A grand con movie, as well as being a well-constructed and likeable heist. A masterpiece. "How to Steal a Million" is an amazing idea as well, especially for Cassie. Just the kind of romance she seems to enjoy.


I'm glad Cassie will see another black & white classic, even though she didn't like the last one, The Apartment. Duke Ellington, James Stewart, Otto Preminger, George C. Scott, and Saul Bass in Anatomy of a Murder. Criterion collection has an excellent blu-ray with fantastic extras.

Katie Jackson

For some great Mother's Day movies I would recommend, Erin Brockovich, Divine Secrets Of The Ya Ya Sisterhood, Stepmom, Now And Then, Where The Heart Is or the original Yours, Mine And Ours. Hopefully you get a chance to react to these even if they're not on your Mother's Day poll this year. They're all very good.

Mike H

Another vote for The Sting in the heist poll, also The Thomas Crown Affair (Brosnan/Russo/1999)!

Mike LL

I also think any James Stewart movie will be very popular on YouTube. I think she could post a reaction to her watching James Stewart read the phone book and it would do fabulously well. I know I'd watch it!


+1 for Now and Then. Adored that movie throughout my preteens and teen years.

Shawn Kildal

Memorial Day movie suggestions for me include Born on the Fourth of July (1989) and The Best Years of Our Lives (1946),


James Stewart is one of the greats.


Is Legends of the Fall going to be out tonight?


Born on the Fourth of July (1989) -- Cruise will surprise you again.

Erik Daniel

Wow a Harrison Ford pillow case pull? (that was a weird sentence) Well you deserve another date with Mr. Ford, thanks for all the hard work. I have no idea how you guys keep up, I can barely take care of myself.

Kim Lotarski Szabo

I am a Clevelander and we lived this movie for decades! We still haven't won a World Series but our team is pretty decent now. Jobu is a local hero, btw.

Jennifer Taylor

My Cousin Vinny is a major favorite for my family.....very quotable