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Hey guys! Here is my reaction to "The Ten Commandments". I knew the story of Moses, the way this was told and shown felt very new to me though. I had to "transport" myself back to 1953 and had to keep reminding myself even by today's standards this was so well done with scale and attention to detail. I was glad to reminded of a story of faith, hope, sacrifice, being humbled and miracles, especially at this time of the year. 

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You should see the prince of Egypt;)

Timothy Williams

Excellent classic that made Ben Hur possible. I love these great epics of a bygone era.

Daniel Fuchs

Show you King of Kings (1961)

The Guy on the Couch

I find this movie so historically inaccurate. everyone knows that Moses and Jesus used guns to conquer the Romans :p


I've never seen this one and I don't typically love movies from this era but I'll give it a go once I find a copy. Its awesome to hear that you are a Christian and aren't afraid to say so publicly. And sadly I know that's from High School Musical lol.


Yul Brenner and Charlton Heston. Just those two names bring a smile to my face

Patrick Egan

Even though Prince Of Egypt became my favorite adaptation of this story, I still have a soft spot for this movie. One thing I really like which PoE doesn't deal with is Moses' relationship with his adoptive mother after he returns to free the Hebrews. The scene when she comes to him during Passover is very sweet

Darren Hill

I'll wait for YT edit as this goes for almost 4 hours. Your dedication to your channel is amazing. Being a young mum and doing this must keep you so busy. Don't forget to take some chill time for yourself.

Mark M

I'm going to wait for the youtube edit for this one but I did skip to the end to hear your thoughts on the movie. Thanks Cassie!!


Never sitting through a Charlton Heston movie again if I can help it. But glad you enjoyed it.

Jon Johns

My copy had this short introduction which explained a little about the story, and such. 2 minutes, 10 seconds, talks about what the bible says about the life of Moses, and how this picture "fills in the gaps" so to speak. https://youtu.be/o8iNvzzak5U

Matthew Hines

I’ve seen The Ten Commandments so often I could quote it word for word. Another Charlton Heston epic you should see is El Cid, based on the true story of the Spanish knight who united the warring factions of Spain to cast out the Muslim occupiers of southern Spain.

Mr Jordan

Great reaction. Awesome idea keeping the intermission going so we don't have to re-sync in the middle. I appreciate you taking into consideration the times in which the movie was made and judging it from that perspective. Please continue your cinema exploration and journey with more classics.


Mwah mwah. The Odd Couple with the great Jack Lemon clearing his throat.

David Freese

I don't know if you stream but it's located on Amazon prime. She used the longer version.

Celeste McAllister

Looking at the city walls of the huge set during the Exodus sequence,birds were released in the background DeMille did this intentionally to let viewers know this is a full blown set,not matte paintings,cannot help but believe DeMille knew this would be his final film he suffered a heartache on top of a 70ft scaffold,he had to climb down on his own to be hospitalized in Cairo,he didn't stop working even from a bed,all those extras and animals and costumes it must have been a logistics nightmare..More classic C.B. DeMille "Samson & Delilah" 1949

Celeste McAllister

So does mine Jon,that was DeMille's final appearance he passed days after filming that opener..I like Charlton Heston as an actor he could pull off a biblical/historical character he has the physical part down..

Michael Weiner

I love this epic movie and one of the first movie scores by Elmer Bernstein. And I love the way Anne Baxter is always moaning “Moses!”


anyone know which version this is? I think there is one with about 15 min more.

Joseph Tamburo

She says 3hrs 40mins at the start of the reaction so that should e the Standard Version. The Extended version runs 3 hours 51mins

Gábor Árki

According to my research there is only one cut. Alternate editions exist for network broadcast omitting the overture, the intro from the director and the intermission.

Amy Hanson

My family would watch this movie at least once a year. I would dance around the living room in my mothers clean bed sheets (sorry Mom) to be like the Egyptian princesses and Midian sheik’s daughters.

Seymor Butz

I missed the Live. Did Cassie draw any movies during.......if so any good selections?


I'm not a big fan of these le epics, but if Cassie is, next Easter she should watch The Robe.

Uncle Phoenix

I was definitely missing that song, from Prince of Egypt, when they left Egypt; other than that I enjoy this version of this story. Obviously it is an abridged version of the story. Sad to say, but I never fully understood this story until I was an adult and listened to Joseph Prince, from Singapore, explain this story of The Passover and The Exodus. And I really loved listening to Kevin Sorbo narrate Patterns Of Evidence and see all the modern excavations from Goshen from the real exodus.


Imagine how many Porta-Potties they had to have on set.


I haven't seen this in decades, and I liked it better than I thought. It's amazing this was made so long ago.


Fun fact. The voice of God at Mt. Sinai was a combination of Cecil B. DeMille and Charlton Heston.


I grew up watching this one. It will always hold a special place in my heart.


You were also feeling a bit unwell when you reacted to Ben-Hur. You'll be watching EL CID in future so I hope you'll be 100% for that one 😊 (it's my dad's favorite classic Hollywood epic). He still recalls its initial release and the ginormous EL CID film poster that greeted the theater entrance hall with that dramatic tagline: "The Greatest Romance and Adventure in a Thousand Years!" Sophia Loren - the Italian icon - we share the same bday but she's one of the greats... a timeless beauty and living legend…you need an intro to her films.

Gideon James

I never realized god killed children indiscriminately. My god has never killed anyone for anything. My god doesn't hate or feel anger. Crazy story here.

Gábor Árki

Cassie, to answer your question regarding the Egyptian Gods, they had hundreds and hundreds of deities. Also, over different eras it was always changing who were taking the highest positions. They usually had very complex family structures, relationships, succession, betrayal, etc. It was kind of like a divine soap opera. You should watch Stargate. 😊 It explores this topic a bit.


Just put of sheer morbid curiosity.... Who is your god? What religion/faith do you adhere to. I've studied most of the worlds major religions with the exception of some from India like Buddhism/Hinduism. And all the ones I can recall off the top of my head have god/gods that are fairly violent.

David Patterson

I waited for Easter to watch this. Fun fact: Moses' wife, Sephora, was played by the late, great Yvonne De Carlo. Her most famous role was that of Lily Munster on 'The Munsters', a '60s sitcom about a family horror movie type monsters living among 'normal' people. You will meet the actor who played her husband, Herman Munster, when you watch 'My Cousin Vinny'. His name is Fred Gwynne, and he plays the judge.

Richard Griffin

Egypt had many gods, and God sent 10 plagues and each plague represented the destruction of each one, showing that He is the Almighty and sovereign God. And Egypt has never recovered from that time till now. From a biblical perspective this movie has many inaccuracies, but it is still one of my favorites.

David W Richards

And this is the THIRD or FOURTH time that the great Cecil B DeMille made an EPIC movie on this subject. His first one on this subject was released in 1923 before the movies started "talking". Cecil B DeMille was famous for epic (that means REALLY REALLY expensive to make and REALLY REALLY long to sit through) Bible movies.

Mike LL

I'm sorry that your exposure to some of the older movies have given you the impression you have about the older acting styles, which you have mentioned in the reactions to these last two older movies. The acting style for The Quiet Man was over the top but it was a farce and a comedy. The action in The 10 C's here was very wooden and old fashioned, it was, well, acting in a Biblical style. Be aware that while they were acting in a very wooden fashion in this movie, at this time Marlon Brando was one of the first actors ushering in a more naturalistic style called Method, so the modern acting style was given birth around this time. The next older movie you will see, Anatomy of a Murder, won't put you off so much with the acting. And the old movie I still very much want you to see, 1946's The Best Years of Our LIves does not have this over the top acting style, in fact some of the actors were very understated in that film, it doesn't seem "these are actors acting in a movie."


Nowhere in the Bible does it mention God being a kind god. On the contrary, the first king of Israel, Saul, lost his throne because he disobeyed God's order to kill every living creature in an enemy kingdom (he brought back some of the livestock to sacrifice). I hate it when people have this misconception that God is supposed to be a kind deity. No, God had people kill in his name and people were killed in his name. The High Priest of Israel himself could die if he did not properly prepare himself to enter the most sacred part of the Temple (the Holiest of Holies).