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EDIT** Typo in picture it will be Falcon episodes 3&4

Hey friends, 

I sure missed you guys while I was away on a little trip last week. I really was giddy being back in my bed watching a great movie "with" you guys tonight. 

Here is what we have got coming this week. The Spiderman YT edit will be up tomorrow, we are moving it up because they released it on streaming early!! BUT the full length reaction actually won't be up until a little later this week. For the full watch-along we are editing the audio so you can't hear the theatre audio, which is VERY time consuming but makes it the best experience for you!

I am SO excited for you guys to see all of these with me:) 

Ok with the Oscars coming up, I am working on an idea to do some kind of past Oscar winners/nominees poll, just trying to figure out the best system, with lots of help and suggestions from discord as well. Look for that this week.

Finally, we are going to have the next LIVE on April 9th at 3:30PM MST!! Should be fun as always, got some ideas to streamline (pun intended) a bit and just hang out and open packages with you! (I have mentioned an earlier date to a few of you in messages but couldn't get it to work out).

PS. The awesome Mr. Jordan has made some shortened versions of the Poppies and the Movie Trivia Night, if you ever wanted to watch but not WATCH you know what I mean?

Trivia Night Highlights 

Poppies Highlights 


Timothy Burrows

Just found my DVD of A Few Good Men. Pumped for that.

Shawn Kildal

It would be a shock to the system to watch a movie like A FEW GOOD MEN and then turn right around and watch a movie like ROCKY V

Shawn Kildal

You know, I was slightly against My Cousin Vinny being in the Courtroom poll because it's a comedy and not a drama, but I'll be "darned" if I'm not really excited to see the reaction video to it here in the very near future. I think it will be one of Cassie's favorites

Alan Kobb

You are making this very hard on me, Cassie!!! I held off watching the movie and tried to stay spoiler-free because I was sure that I'd enjoy it more watching it with you. Now, your abbreviated reaction in the theatre with your sister has hit YouTube before it hits Patreon, and I'm still waiting!!! Please, please get it to me before I give in and spoil it by watching it on YT!!! Thanks!!!


I think it would be cool if the polls had no time limit. Each person would get one vote, but they could change that vote whenever they want. After Cassie watches a movie, she could remove that movie from the poll and replace it with a different one. The people who voted for the movie she just watched could then vote for a different movie. Does anyone know if that's how Patreon polls work? Can a creator edit an active poll and remove one of the options without wiping out the vote totals for the other options? If it's possible, then we could have a running list of movies for each genre, ranked by popularity. Voting could be an ongoing activity, instead of something that only happens once in a great while.


Looking forward to the Oscar poll. You always have good ideas on how to improve your channel. It's getting better and better


I really wish they put dates and times on these announcements.


My favourite Best Picture winners, that you haven't seen? Going back - The Shape of Water, The Artist, No Country for Old Men, (you've actually seen most of the 90s winners but I'd recommend American Beauty), Platoon, Annie Hall, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Midnight Cowboy, Lawrence of Arabia, On the Waterfront, Rebecca, It Happened One Night (from 1934, I would love a reaction to that film). I've seen this mentioned before but it's worth repeating. 2022 is the 50th anniversary of The Godfather. It won Best Picture, as did Godfather 2 but whether or not it makes the Oscars poll, you have to fit The Godfather in at some point this year. It's definitely in the 'Essential Viewing' category. I hopw we get a Palme d'Or poll in May, that would throw up some interesting picks:)

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

Just to mix it up a bit in here, how about a poll for movies that SHOULD HAVE been nominated for best picture, but weren't? As Exhibit A, I present evidence for including Do The Right Thing. Kim Basinger, presenting at the 1990 Oscars: “We’ve got five great films here, and they’re great for one reason: They tell the truth. [...] But there is one film missing from this list that deserves to be on it because, ironically, it might tell the biggest truth of all. And that’s ‘Do The Right Thing.'”

Happy Hanukkah

I am reminded of the time Jim Carrey won a Best Actor (Drama) Golden Globe for The Truman Show, but didn't even get an Oscar nomination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1PruACVorM

Daniel Pulliam

There isn’t a single scene in the (much-loved) Rocky IV that comes close to the raw power and emotion in this scene alone from Rocky V: https://youtu.be/g7yAbv_u-FA

Jason Chirevas

This is the part of ROCKY V that gets me. Every time. https://youtu.be/hnEST9Z_GP4

Daniel Pulliam

One thing I was dearly hoping Sly would put into Rocky IV was SOMETHING of Micky.

Daniel Pulliam

I also love that GLARE, followed by “all right, you knocked him down, why don’t you try knocking me down now”. So many classic moments. Its also the only one to actually try something different, and not just build to another fight in the ring. I’ll never understand why it’s not loved along with the other films.

Obie Brown

Package incoming! Hopefully, this one ends up being watched also! Been lucky so far!