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Hey guys! Sorry this one took forever to get up. It's basically a mix of 5 different episodes so it took a bit longer than usual to put together!  I needed a refresh on the Marvel universe and decided to watch the first 2 Marvel Studios: Legends episodes to jog my memory before starting WandaVision. Hope you guys enjoy the reaction!

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[Full Reaction] WandaVision EP:1-3


Luke Godfrey

Video doesn’t exist!

Cassie Tremblay

Hey Luke! It should be working now - it was having copyright issues but they are cleared up now! Sorry for the delay!

Luke Godfrey

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Are you also able to re-upload the Dune full reaction? That video doesn’t exist either.


Been trying to find a good reason to re-watch this series again, now I have one, thank goodness.


'Friends' doesn't have a laugh track, they haven't used laugh tracks since the 80's, it's a live studio audience.

Clay F

This is a first watch for me. As a kid in the late 60s/early 70s, I watched TV series such as The Dick Van Dyke Show, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, Leave it to Beaver, I Love Lucy, The Brady Bunch, etc.

Obie Brown

I think this show is right up Cassie’s alley. The best Marvel show so far IMO.

Cole Jennett

The Legends episodes are a great idea for a refresher!

Andrew Hogan

Oofff, well, all the non Marvel fans are going to be upset, lol. Cassie, I guess you already have a Marvel expert, but let me know, if you’d like me to send a message with a few non MCU Marvel film suggestions.


Episodes 1-3 were the better ones, so I'll definitely check this out. For "superhero" related TV shows right now "Peacemaker" is it. Hope Cassie reacts to it soon 🤞

Bill Poulter

Ugh...was hoping for Glory! 😕


For me this show was the weakest of their streaming ventures, but hopefully you enjoy it. Looking forward to Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Hawkeye if we get there.


Not really into the spin-offs but can’t wait to see Wanda in DS2.

Jon Johns

For me, the biggest question I had during these first three episodes was: WHAT IS UP WITH YOUR HAIR, CASSIE!?!?

Cole Jennett

Wow, never heard that take before. I think the episodes get better each week, and these are the harder ones to enjoy on first watch. If you mean in rewatch, that i can understand.

Krusty “Topher”

Uhhhh Cassie’s not alone!! Capt Marvel SUCKS!!!! Worst avenger bar none!!! Hated the movie and worst casting of the superheros yet

Philip G.

"Captain Marvel is my least favorite I hope people aren't mad"..... 😂

Bryan Harris

I actually really enjoyed Captain Marvel.

Josh Phillips

These first couple of episodes really reminded me of old tv shows like I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched. Really enjoyed how they did that.

Jon Johns

Can anyone confirm which episodes have post credits scenes?

Cole Jennett

I was very surprised when she said she doesn’t like ScarJo as Black Widow. I understand there’s a lot of dislike for Captain Marvel, though I still thought Brie Larsen was okay. I thought Captain Marvel was bottom tier as far as MCU but still a decent movie🤷‍♂️


@Cole Kennett yeah I can't get into the details because I don't think Cassie has seen the whole series yet. I liked the ambiguity of the first episodes, but when they get into the "real world", it seems a little weak in the story. That's just my opinion though.


Cassie, I would advise you watch the end credits sequence at least once, as it is part of the story even before we have end credits sequences. Pay attention to how the sequence is put together and what it does. Also pay attention to the “commercials” in each episode.

Cole Jennett

That’s fair. I disagree but there’s nothing wrong with that😊 also, Peacemaker has been really good!

Andrew Rose

I wasn't sure after episodes 1 and 2 but I think we may be turning a corner with episode 3?

Cole Jennett

I’m sorry to hear that Rose. Other then “What if…” I think they will all be important to what’s coming in the future. Especially Loki!

Myles Away

The timing for the release of the Captain Marvel felt forced. It seemed more like a reaction to Wonder Woman rather than what was actually necessary for the story. The ended up writing her out of End Game so it felt doubly pointless. I feel like introducing her after End Game and giving Black Widow her movie instead would have made more narrative sense.

Cole Jennett

I had to look this up to see if it maybe was a reaction to Wonder Woman, but Captain Marvel was announced in 2014, 3 years before Wonder Woman came out. She’s essentially Superman so I guess they needed to have a reason for her not to be around to fight Thanos in Infiniti War, but I do think her power level was problematic.


Cole - Loki come back, yes! 👌*MCU films


@Cole Kennett that's why I like Cassie's community, unlike other places, people can disagree, yet they don't insult and attack each other. I'll explain my Wanda vision opinion once she's done. Also I hope I can count on you and @Wes Stewart when it comes time to vote for Cassie to watch Peacemaker!!💪

Steve Mercier

Just keep watching...it's worth it. Your knowledge in the MCU really isn't affecting anything here. Just keep watching.

Myles Away

This was my favourite series from Disney+ yet. For some reason I figured these first few episodes would be up your alley because they're so sweet and charming with a bit of mystery. I think being prepped that this show is a bit of a mystery might have helped ease you into this. Look forward to seeing how you feel about the last half.

Myles Away

Wonder Woman was announced in 2010. Whether it was literally a reaction to Wonder Woman or not it felt that way because Captain Marvel's introduction ended up having zero effect on the proceeding films. They literally wrote her out of it to focus on the characters we had learned about over the last decade.


And i thought it was the strongest by miles, but i really enjoy stuff that keeps you guessing about what is reality and what isn't.

Mike LL

I really enjoyed that also. They wanted the first episode to seem like it was in the '50's, but the set was almost an exact duplicate of the set on The Dick Van Dyke show which started in the very early 60's, the only real difference was the lack of the closet door next to the front door. The set of the second episode was a copy of the set from the 60's Bewitched TV series, and the opening credits was also very much like the credits to that show. The set from the third episode had a lot of elements from the set of The Brady Bunch, not a duplicate but the style elements were very similar, That show ran from 1969-74 so they were progressing through the decades, all network TV shows transitioned into color in the late sixties.

Mike LL

Yes and episode 9 has a mid and post credit scene.

Alan Kobb

Wandavision is a bit weird. I almost dropped it after the first two episodes, but the rest more than made up for it! Since you seemed a bit lost, Cassie, episode 1 is an Homage to 1950s TV Sitcoms, in particular the opening was very similar to the opening of The Dick Van Dyke Show with the ottoman and even the house resembles Van Dyke's. https://youtu.be/BttXQJ_gDnc The Dinner Party reminded me of classic I Love Lucy episodes. THe next episode starts by reminding us how married couples in 1950s TV shows always slept in twin beds, because it would be vulgar to show two people in the same bed together. :) The 2nd episode is an homage to 1960s sitcoms. Yes, there is a pattern emerging! We have the animated opening credits which are a direct call to Bewitched (https://youtu.be/dpb4YAAo4Tk). Episode 3 is the 70s with The Brady Bunch opening and some Mary Tyler Moore Show. Oh, and I had to grow up listening to 1960s and 1970s TV sitcom laugh tracks. Get used to it, and laugh with us, Cassie! :)

Obie Brown

What I love about Cassie, is that she always says "I am so confused" but then figures things out faster than most people...she is such a delight.


I think I said this on the Firefly pilot, “Best advice: be a passenger, let the characters drive the ship and enjoy the ride.” It should be no secret that WandaVision will become “Marvelous” as it progresses.


Cassie, I was also very confused when I saw the first couple episodes, but those moments at the end told me there was something else going on and then Wanda didn’t like it when Geraldine mentioned something she didn’t want to hear… You mentioned that you liked their 70’s house. That looks like the living room from The Brady Bunch. Same staircase, front door etc.

Jason Dolan

If you stick with it, it will all be worth it. This series has an episode that is in my all time Top 5 favorite episodes of television.

Jason Dolan

I agree, my three favorite superhero shows this past year have been WandaVision, Peacemaker and Loki

Jason Dolan

I kind of loved Captain Marvel - it was very Star Warsy which I enjoyed.

Jason Dolan

This is a pretty solid FORUM of opinions, Cassie. Again, it was definitely crazy, but it starts all making sense in the 4th episode. If you can make it through this, maybe one day you can enjoy the majesty of FRIENDS and SEINFELD!


You guys are Johnny-on-the-spot! I was curious myself because I’d forgotten.


So Cassie, you don’t like laugh tracks. Will have to keep that in mind for the future because I almost made a Friends joke about Vision working as a “transponster.”


It isn't supposed to make sense, no. It does get better though when they start explaining what is going on in the next episodes.


Oh Cassie, you're a trooper. You were so unimpressed and possibly disappointed with those first 2 episodes that it was almost palpable. But I loved the positive attitude you kept and carried on anyway. I won't give any spoilers but as alluded to by a couple others, this will all make a lot more sense by the end of episode 4. You will still have questions that need answered, but you will get that "aha" moment and see the big picture with the groundwork the writers have been laying down. It really is quite clever how they wrote this show, and it remains my favorite Marvel tv show to date. Worry not, the payoff for watching this show is just getting started and it plays a major role in the movies that are yet to come out.


Cassie, I was going to post which episodes had the mid and end credit scenes, but it's already posted here. Some of them are really short so this advice is more for your enjoyment of the show and not necessarily to make sure you react to them (which you'll probably include anyway).

Texas Anla'Shok

One thing is that they are actually using filming techniques from the periods. Frame-matching, magically fixing the shattered dish by running the footage backwards, even Wanda holding the fruit bowl in front of her pregnant stomach, which was something they did when an actress was pregnant, but the character was not, they'd frequently give her something to hold in front of her stomach to hide it. That one actually still turns up sometimes in modern works. Oh, and don't feel bad for not recognizing that symbol. We haven't seen it before this.

Erik Daniel

Ok let's go, now you are helping expand my movie/show horizons. I think because movies had such a big part of my life I find it (most of the time) a little hard to get into episodic streaming shows. However the quality is so good, I do try and force my hardwired movie brain into them more. I was like you, all into marvel up to endgame then I just kind of ran out of gas. So, open mind like Cassie, I'm in. Also, I did not plan on throwing out a recommendation but when I saw WandaVision you reminded me.....I have Disney Plus. I forgot lol. The only reason I ordered it was to watch "Only Murders in The Building" with Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez. It is a murder mystery. And it was awesome lol, Mom and I loved it. George Banks and Franck in a murder mystery? yes please. And Selena? What an awesome surprise, she was so good.

Mr. Nobody

Captain Marvel made over a BILLION dollars! Ms. Larson did the damn thing and held her own.

Matt Gwinn

I think the first few episodes threw everyone for a loop, so don't feel bad about being a little confused. It'll all become clear as the show progresses. You're certainly in for a ride. It's the best of the MCU TV shows in my opinion, but not as good as the Netflix shows Jessica Jones and Daredevil.

Garren Haskell

I love that too. She's confused yet making guesses that are spot on. It's a fun way to experience the shows for the first time, again, through her eyes. That's why I love the Cassie show.

Sean Stuart

Still has one of greatest lines of any marvel shows or movies and one of the best in modern cinema in episode 8.

Erik Daniel

Update. lol, We shared a similar look of confusion. I'm sure it will all make sense in the end, but unless I missed something, they really throw you in the deep end for this one. The filming location might be my favorite backlot ever though. It's in Burbank, the original spot of a lot of the shows they are referencing and used thousands of times through the years. You have the Griswald house from 'Christmas Vacation' (also American Beauty house I believe), next to the Murtaugh residence from 'Lethal Weapon'. Then the 'Bewitched' house, 'I dream of Jeannie', across the street is 'Pleasantville', etc. And a little park with a fountain, where they shot they opening of 'Friends'.

Gábor Árki

WandaVision is one of the boldest attempts in MCU and the best they did so far for streaming IMO. I really like how they took a risky and unconventional idea and just went with it completely ditching the usual MCU movie formulas, at least for the first half of the show. They did a really great job paying homage to American television through the decades.


I think most of the really dedicated marvel fans had the benefit of knowing ahead of time that they were doing this homage to early sitcoms in Wandavision, and thus their expectations were set early on.

Mike Lipke

when the reveal happens , its so worth the build up .

Mike Lipke

oh by the way , Geraldine was in Captain Marvel , will discuss more after ep 4

Craig Russell

I watched this when it first came out and felt let down by the whole thing after all the hype. I'm still not impressed by the show, but I LOVE your reactions! After all, that's why we're all here, isn't it? Keep it up, I'll watch whatever you want (I hope someday to have one or two requests reacted to, but I know you're busy, too)!!

Brian McGovern

Nobody had a clue what was going in this show. They speculated where things were going. You are not far off though. Stick with it, it should make sense soon, especially the 2ay they are filming it.

Gideon James

Cassie you should check out Eternals. Ignore the haters I think you'd enjoy it.

Brian Jones

So glad to be revisiting this series with you. I know the first three episodes are a bit of a brain twister, and yes when everyone first saw it they were just as confused, but just stick with it and make sure you pay very close attention to all of the details. Especially the commercials. Also, pay close attention to the music selections at the end of each episode when it goes to the "standing by". They are also a bit of a clue. And yes, the payoff is well worth the ride. IMHO this was the best of the Marvel Disney+ shows, although the others are pretty good as well. This one was easily the most creative across the board. From the set design and production of the episodes, to the music, to the directorial style and performances.

Brian Jones

Easily the best of the Marvel shows on Disney+... The production design, music, directorial style, and performances are pretty amazing. I felt the rest of the shows were kind of hit and miss. None were really bad, but there were a couple that were just kind of meh.

Brian Jones

I was with you until Eternals came out.... Now that has my top spot for worst Marvel film. Captain Marvel was pretty bad though.

Obie Brown

It also seems she goes in completely blind, no research or trailers before going in. She experiences things exactly like the creators intended, which is rare nowadays.

Cole Jennett

I don’t believe either movie sucked, but I have found Eternals is better on a rewatch. 11 new characters is tough to introduce in one movie and make it coherent. That’s not to say I don’t feel it had it’s flaws, lol.

Krusty “Topher”

Understood. Eternals wasn’t that good but I’m glad I watched that one as I wasn’t as familiar with those characters and storylines as I was the typical avengers. So that interested me just to figure out what they were about. Brie Larson is fine as an actress in general and was great in Room. But good lord she was miscast as Capt Marvel IMO. I’m not sure if it’s her bland personality or what but she offers up NOTHING to her character. She’s not loveable like SpiderMan; witty like Iron Man; courageous and Noble like Capt America; an emotional wreck as Thor hilarious turned out to be etc etc. She’s just….BLAHHH!!

Krusty “Topher”

Ha Cole you posted as I was writing. But YES that’s how I felt with Eternals. I’m glad I watched it cause I was interested in being introduced to the characters. And yes there probably should have been a better plan….if there could be….in introducing them all. But I’d watch a sequel. I would NOT watch a sequel to Capt Marvel as Brie Larson is awful and I don’t see myself rooting for her.

Cole Jennett

Well you definitely have a stronger opinion on Brie Larsen as Captain Marvel then I do, but I can’t argue your points. She was kind of bland. Too soft spoken. But she’s a beauty, and I will definitely watch her in the upcoming “The Marvels” whenever it comes out.

Krusty “Topher”

Now Jonathan here is a die hard Larson fan!!🤣🤣 Of course it made a ton of money!!! It’s a marvel movie that was plopped down right after the huge Infinity War with the cryptic ending by Fury!!! Everyone was going to check it out after that!!! But there’s a reason why it’s one of the worst rated marvel movies! It got a 45 AUDIENCE score from rotten tomatoes!!!! From the AUDIENCE!!! Meaning even the die hards hated it!!!! Not just the critics! But hey who knows! Maybe if she gets her own sequel it will be awesome!!! But I bet it won’t make a Billion dollars this time!!!

Krusty “Topher”

Well I’m a weee bit dramatic! (Shut up Jon Johns wherever you are!!!). So yes I’m sure I’m over the top on her. But it’s just this particular character. I loved her in Room. And oh my lord yes she’s gorgeous!!! Could look at her all day long! Just not as Capt Marvel🤣


"Odd and weird." Wandavision and Loki are my fave MCU series on Disney+ cause they're different. Marvel has outstanding films and tv shows. As a DC fan, movies like Joker, The Suicide Squad (2021), the new Batman, and Peacemaker tv series give me hope that DC will also be as good.

Mike LL

Yes, that line is phenomenal piece of writing, it has stayed with me for a long time.

Wu Sha Ling

small trivia detail no spoilers: Wanda and Pietro are the offspring of Erik Lensherr (aka Magneto). They are mutants in the X men comics and movies. Because they were owned by Sony, Marvel struck a deal for Wanda and Sony got to use Pietro. Fast forward to today and now they are both owned by Disney. The X men and mutants are poised to enter the official MCU. If they reestablish their heritage to Magneto is unknown. There is a small hint in the later episodes of Wandavision, but it's very possible that it is a misdirect.

Erik Daniel

Yes sir @Obie Brown, right on all accounts. She takes the red pill every time and dives right in. A director's dream audience. So the fact she is able to pick up what she does is really impressive. She doesn't give herself enough credit, there have been a few times she's noticed things, or asked questions in a movie I've seen many times. And me at home -- "I...I never thought of that" lol. So rest assured Cassie, If you are confused it is because that was the film makers intentions. Some directors (Like a Christopher Nolan) like to throw you in the deep end and teach you to swim later.

Obie Brown

Exactly! Her Terminator 2 reaction was perfect, she had not been spoiled knowing Arnold was the good guy in the second movie, so when the switch happens she is completely surprised, so so delightful.

Erik Daniel

You know it. Cassie is really good at picking up cue's and sometimes the cue is "melt the audience's brain". lol

Brian Jones

Room was excellent.... But Room had a tight script and a director and lead who at the time, didn't have an agenda. Captain Marvel was unfortunately poorly written AND heavy handed with it's agenda.

Damon Corrigan

Don't worry so much about the weirdness. It threw all of us for a loop - me so much I didn't know if I would like it. I do have the benefit of knowing the old-time TV shows, and you have to be pretty familiar with them to catch the time compression that is happening - episode 1 was I Love Lucy, episode 2 was Bewitched, and episode 3 was Brady Bunch. That was barely enough to keep me interested until the end of episode 3 where Geraldine gets ejected from Westview, and you get more a a hint what's going on. Don't worry if you are lost still, give it a few more episodes, and you will be right in the thick of it. Marvel was pretty clever with this, although they very nearly overthought themselves - and I am not sure if they haven't even at this point. Keep going, you will most likely dig it. You are getting the pieces together and they are coalescing. Enjoy the reveal. And great job. :) P.S. Yes, the laugh track was a big part of those shows and helped with the immersion, so to speak. As annoying as it was, it fit right in with what they are trying to do.

Patrick Flanagan

The problem with the CAPTAIN MARVEL to me wasn't so much the casting as the story. It's structured as a story about a person rediscovering their past life, a human who's been turned into an alien soldier trying to find the balance between those two identities, but...when the Kree "Vers" finds out she's actually the human "Carol Danvers" she doesn't seem upset, or shocked, or have much of a reaction at all. The second act of the movie should have been about her rediscovering her humanity. But that doesn't really seem to happen. She just changes allegiance and starts fighting the Kree without any hint that this revelation has had any impact on her. It was weird to downplay that. If the filmmakers didn't want to deal with that then they should have used a different story to introduce the character.

Mike Lipke

in one way Cassie is lucky she is watching Wanda vision in quick chunks , we had to wait a week per episode and listen to everyones theories and nit pic every line of dialogue and every knic knack on the shelves


I think most of them are ok, and some are good. The animated series is way better though. I like Doom Patrol, and then Peacemaker blew all of them out of the water.

John Rando

That was the fun part. Not since Game of Thrones have people had so many theories about things happening in every episode.


My only complaint is no one tripped over the ottoman coming through the front door.