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Hey guys! I wanted to watch something Australian-related for Australia day and I was told that this one was a good one to check out. I thought it was really good, and this is probably one of the more emotional reactions I've had. The tears wouldn't stop flowing! Anyway, I hope all my Australian patrons had a happy Australia Day with friends and family and I hope you enjoy the video! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

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Download this full reaction. 





Bummer, seems I can't find this movie on any Canadian platforms... How did you get your hands on this movie?

Tobias Eiken

I hadn't seen this movie, and even though I was aware that this went on it was still a harrowing watch. Here's a link to the documentary accompanying the movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxHncbpR7TY

Brian McGovern

TRy this link. I do not know if it is restricted to Australians only, but if you have a VPN you can watch it free. https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/rabbit-proof-fence/84673091819 May get interrupted by ads though. Looks like 4 sections of ads


These child actors were really good. They had to carry the movie and they did it.


Well if you wanna see Cassie cry for 90 minutes straight, here ya go! Great reaction tho. For real. Great movie.

Chris Lüders

Now I have watched the movie and I can only say such movies are very important because often they get more attention than the best documentaries. Neville is a racist and he says it after 12 minutes when he explains his ideology. So I can only say, as long as people think in terms of 'races' there will always be a basis for racism and the sooner everyone on this planet understands and accepts that there is only one human race, Homo sapiens, and that all other human races are extinct, the sooner we can hopefully leave racism behind. Very good movie and Cassie, there is absolutely no reason to apologize for your tears. 🤗


Thank you so much for the suggestion. I do have a VPN, but it's provided by the company I work for, and sadly, I don't have an Australian option :-( I have a vague memory of seeing this movie when I was young but it's really far away in my mind... I would have loved to see it again. Oh well!

Rich Mcclure

You should watch Whale Rider for New Zealand day. 🥝🥝🥝🥝

Rich Mcclure

Do you hate Kenneth Branagh now?

Shawn Kildal

Cassie, it seems all videos that came before the Fury reaction no longer exist. Was getting ready to watch the Jaws reaction and saw the problem


First time watching this one - Heartbreaking. [I can’t think of anything else to say]

Brian McGovern

I would not go so far as to call Neville racist. He was certainly misguided in enforcing this policy out of concern for "half castes". I do not think "full bloods" were targeted. You also have to remember that the movie is based on a book by Molly's daughter, so it would likely have been told from specifically her point of view. They could not have known what AO Neville was doing at the time. Did he relentlessly pursue the girls as depicted in the movie? Did he realy say all the things he said as depcited in the movie? These are possibly actions and dialogue the screen writer has created in order to create the movie's antagonist. I am not excusing the events in this movie. It was an act of barbarity that cannot be excused.I am just not a fan of demonizing people because of a movie that is based on a true story because of the propensity for screenwriters to manufacture events or dialogue that may never have happened. It is similar to what happened with Charles Lightoller in Titanic. James Cameron made him into a villian when based on other accounts he was anything but. This has ceraintly been a learning experience though. After Cassie mentioned the Canada Residential Schools, I read up a little bit about them and found that they had adopted the same policy as this movie depicts. They took the Natives out of their environment and took them away to distant residential schools in a bid to assimilate them into Candaian culture. Ithad exactly the same efffect that the Aborigines suffered who were subjected to this policy. Loss of identity, Alcoholism, suicide etc. It follows the same path as what Australia went through with the government formaly apologising for these actions in 2008.

Doug Fisher

Next Australia day you might want to keep "The Water Diviner" in mind Cass. My go to Australia movie has always been "The Man From Snowy River" or "Phar Lap" but "The Water Diviner" has definitely climbed the list. It has all the feels.

Gideon James

Where I live they are against teaching about atrocities like this and have started to ban books that tell their stories. 

Damien beatty

I must disagree with your assessment of Mr. Neville. First this re-education happened not just in Australia and Canada , but everywhere the Euopeans made colonies including the U.S. India, and Africa. One thing is consistent, huge amounts of paperwork. The writer of the book mentions going through some of it , and much of the paperwork was made public and he clearly had racists feelings. I know you probably didn't know about this but there are many accounts from others at these schools and past employees and religious leaders who have come forward about what occurred.


Lol, apart from we don't have a NZ day. I was going to recommend Cassie watch "Boy" for Waitangi Day (closest we have to a NZ day) Boy is a Taika Waititi film (before he become world famous outside NZ) and is very funny while a biting social commentary on small town NZ Maori issues. Other good NZ options are: - Hunt for the Wilderpeople (also Taika Waititi) - Maybe "Once were Warriors" but that is a hard watch - Whale Rider (although I've never watched it)

Wu Sha Ling

Colonization is by its very nature racist. To settle a region already occupied by people and think you have a more righteous mandate to live on that land is racist. Now you can differentiate between violent racism from casual racism. Outright genocide to "benevolent re-education". However the paradigm is the same. The colonizer thinks it is better than the indigenous peoples, treats them as inferiors and tries to eradicate its culture, community and identity.

Björn Von Knorring

Which mean that everyone should RUN to the nearest bookstore or order them online because those are exactly the kind of book you need to read.

Paul G

For anyone in the US having trouble finding this film it’s available on the Hoopla app which is free for anyone with a public library card. There’s another app called Kanopy that is also free with a library card. Tons of great movies, books and music albums on the platforms. The video quality on Hoopla can be a little hit or miss, that app has a very “public access” sort of feel but Kanopy is quite professional. Both are free though so I highly recommend.

Darren Hill

I think the vast majority of Australians are aware and been educated on this issue. We had national 'sorry day' in 2008 when the PM made a public apology.