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Hey guys! Here's the YT edit for Ben Hur, which will be premiering shortly. Hope you enjoy! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to Ben Hur. 


[YT Edit] Ben Hur (1959)


Bill Poulter

Another great reaction, Cassie.....as a follow-up to this, you may want to check out "The Robe".

Phillip Ribbink

The reason that the Mother and Sister didn't want Judah to see them. Likely had a great deal to do with them not wanting to spread it to him. That's why the Lepers live in the valley, instead of in the cities. Also why those people threw stones at them. They're afraid of catching the disease. At the time the spread of disease wasn't really understood. All that was understood was that people who were around Lepers a lot, tended to get it. Likely at the time it was believed that the disease was the result of some kind of divine punishment against sinful people. (During the time of Jesus it wasn't uncommon to execute sinners by stoning, sin was taken very seriously).

Steven Ashford

Passion of the Christ is a must. Full disclosure, you will be wrecked in a way you have never been!!!But I think everyone should see it Christian or not. I’ve watched nearly all your reactions over this he last couple months, and have come to know how compassionate and sensitive you are. I promise I do not recommend this for your reaction but I think it’s one you would like to say you at least watched once and I would want to watch it with you on patreon.

Mike LL

So you DID watch the Overture. Proud of you! Then you were so confused by it that you restarted the recording? So that the full reaction made it seem like you skipped it? I learn something new everyday by watching Popcorn In Bed!

James Ellis

Another great movie that is set around Christ but not focused on Jesus is "Risen" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3231054/

Wu Sha Ling

The overture and intermission were a standard at the time. People shuffled in and went on pee breaks in their leisurely pace. Full credits used to be shown at the start of the feature and that's why the end screen literally said "the end". Trailers also used to be shown after the feature, hence the name. These conventions slowly phased out in the 50's and 60's.


Well, if cynical and emotionally manipulative gore porn made by an anti-semite is your thing...

James Little

Sadly. Some directors have attempted to bring this back, (Ridley Scott with Exodus - originally 4 hours / Denis Villeneuve with Dune - originally 4-6 hours / Peter Jackson with the Lord of the Rings - thankfully released in full after the fact). The cinema used to be an "event" akin to going to the theatre, West End, Broadway. Now it's mostly (as Scorcese put it) braindead theme park rubbish. Personally I think studios should release dual versions "general viewing" and "extended viewing". The argument is made that cinemas don't want to surrender one screen to allow only three or four showings of a certain film in one day, compared to six or seven showings of it (so more people paying), but they could easily just increase the price for the extended viewings and I BET that more than enough people would pay to see it.

Jon Johns

We need some of these Cassie-isms on a mug... Bubba Fett, Chicken Marsala, I know there are others. I want them all on a sticker or mug or something. Just precious. What's your favorite naming error of Cassie's?


Mine is her calling the tauntauns llama kangaroos/asking "Is the tum tum dead?" 😁😅

Joseph Krider

James, cinemas DO surrender one screen (in a special theatre in fact) on a regular basis. A "blockbuster" movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (for example) will be shown on 3 or 4 "regular" screens, and also in IMAX 3D. Sometimes the extended or "director's" cut adds a lot to a movie (LOTR trilogy for example). And sometimes there was a good reason for leaving the "extended" scenes on the cutting room floor.

Eric Cable

I'll never be able to watch this movie again without calling that guy "Chicken Marsalla"


Opti_Frog - unbridled gore it was, a TAD overdone but having never SEEN a thrashing of a man with a “cat of nine tails” I’ll just have to accept it as “accurate”? Never really saw it as cynical though

Steven Ashford

Crucifixions were brutal. That was the point. Up until then all depictions were very watered down. It’s actually very accurate and They died in full view of the public naked.