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Hey guys! Here's the full reaction to EP 9 & 10! I didn't have my mic plugged in all the way, so the sound is straight from the stock mic on the camera.. oops!! 🤦‍♀️ It's not terrible, just much louder and all over the place. Hope you've had a great Tuesday. Rear Window will be out on Thursday! 

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[Full Reaction] Firefly Episodes 9 & 10



Exactly! Too many peeps don't realize that Mal knew Wash would die if he didn't keep him engaged with/focused on something.


The "Hands of Blue" work for Blue Sun, not the Alliance. I would say that Blue Sun is Alliance-*sanctioned* but not run by the government directly. Blue Sun has fingers in more pies than one could count. If this was Babylon 5, they would call it a Megacorp. It actually wouldn't surprise me to learn that Blue Sun, in some way, incited the entire Unification War, playing up fears and hatreds until the whole 'verse was fighting. The rest of the things you said are spot-on. Later, River is reading Jayne when she spouts off all that stuff about Christmas. Those are Jayne's childhood memories. I say this even though it's not canon because really why would she bring up her own memories there? She's also staring at Jayne while she says it. Blue Sun did a lot more to River than just strip her amygdala. Even though it is over a year since this video was made, I will say *SPOILER ALERT*...... Blue Sun / the Alliance also trained her in multiple martial arts (which came to her as easy as breathing does to us, of course...), making her into a living weapon to be used as uber-assassin/spy and... She was only one of MANY such 'Super-girls' as we learn for sure in the Serenity comics. However, probably only River has the reading ability and that made her "...our star pupil," as Dr. Mathias says in the movie. I also have two wild theories regarding River. One is that Blue Sun BOUGHT River from her parents for a BUTTLOAD of money, which facts they kept hidden from their son. They saw something they feared in River and decided to let the Academy deal with her, especially since River WANTED to go. It would have made for a great episodic storyline had the show continued. The other idea is perhaps even wilder and likely not a lot of fans will agree with this (but some do, I've leaned): I think eventually, after another season (or more) possibly... River and Jayne would have hooked up as a couple as well, leaving Zoe the only one single (assuming the events of the movie occur). Jayne is obviously attracted to River, despite his fear of her. River is definitely a little playful with Jayne at times like teasing him with "Jayne is a girl's name" and stealing his bread at the end of 'Safe' and other subtle things you can pick up on if you watch the show enough--yes I have too much free time, lol... I think River would have had a calming effect on Jayne in the long run, though she'd certainly still roll her eyes plenty at things he said (as would we all, lol). Sorry, I didn't mean that to go on so long...

Damon Corrigan

"Not sure what I'm gonna do when this ends..." Well, see, you find someone on youtube that does reaction videos, and then you re-live it with them. :) In all honesty, it's a show whose episodes I have watched many times. There is always some little quip or joke that either I missed or had forgotten about. So the enjoyment keeps going. Occasionally you run into someone who hasn't seen it before, and you get to remember through them what it was like the first time when you watch it with them. But you know all this, because this is kind of your gig - this is what you do for us. Fantastic reaction, as always - these two episodes were quite meaty in the grander story arc and in character development, and they are favorites. The next two - Trash is quite incredible. The Message is also a favorite. The actors have talked about how they received news that the show was cancelled during filming of The Message, and the fact that there is still 2 more episodes after these and the quality of them is a testament to the strength of their character and how invested each of them were to this 'verse. Keep doing what you are doing, Cassie. You make all of our hearts super happy to go along on this journey with you.


have you seen buffy or angel? joss whedon is a creep and an idiot but the man knows how to make a tv show.

Rumpus Parable

Add me as another thrilled you got what Mal was doing for Wash during the torture… Ya see a fair amount of folks don’t understand at first, but how many *still* don’t get it even after Wash talks to Zoe about it as soon as they’re on the shuttle is bizarre. Every episode I enjoy how you’re someone who notices details and “gets” what’s going on as it progresses. It’s a breath of fresh air. My favorites are War Stories and Out of Gas, hard to say which is top as their style are so different. I think Wars Stories comes out ultimately on top for the relationships of crew addressed all the way around and then especially Mal’s protection of Wash. Ariel I think has a wonderful special treat to it in seeing Simon in the hospital role. At varying levels we only ever see him in a situation and dynamics where he’s a fish out of water and so except in defending River is so mild, polite, and diffident because he’s adjusting within a new world and as a crew member…. …Here we see the side of him where it’s his environment and his knowledge is top and he’s straight backbone, giving orders, chastising people with no hesitation and feeling of authority even though they’re trying to get in and out, stepping up in Feds' faces… It rounds him out more as a character, plus puts in starker contrast the life change he’s chosen in protecting River. And god, the scene of River feeling bad at the end of such a good day for her is heart wrenchingly played. Stating how she hates it because she knows it’ll go away just kills me; I’ve sat in a doctor's expressing the same with the same words. The first time I saw that it was a gut blow and it never stops being impactful. Last two episodes Kaylee has seen River suddenly slash Jayne with a butcher’s knife and now shoot three men without looking and repeating Kaylee's apple-game-winner line back to her afterwards…. I can’t fault Kaylee for being uncomfortable at this point. Back to Ariel, again, your comment, “Mal’s gonna be mad…” made me laugh inside. Oh, yes, he was gonna be.


It isn't explained in the show, but the Blue Sun Corporation (the logo that was on Jayne's shirt that she slashed) is alliance run, and had a hand in what happened to River. She was slashing at the logo. Same with ripping the labels off cans in a previous episode. They had the Blue Sun logo on them. It is her lashing out at what was done to her. It was supposed to be fleshed out if the show hadn't been canceled.


Mal wasn't being "rude" to Wash while they were being tortured. He was hitting Wash with some hard emotion to keep him from completely losing it and falling apart. He was helping Wash because Wash wasn't strong enough on his own. Mal was making Wash focus on something so he could get through the torture. Like Wash told Zoe, he couldn't do it had it not been for Mal.

Rosanne Stewart

Given how much you obviously love Alan Tudyk, you should really put A Knight's Tale on your movie list. Tudyk, Heath Ledger, Paul Bettany and more. It's delightful and you'll love it.


In Ariel, starting at 14:40, you can see what appears to be a dolly under the rear landing pads of the air ambulance.....

Phillip Ribbink

Fellas get yourselves a girl who when given the choice that Nishka gave Zoe, chooses you without stopping to think.


the reason she cut jane is hinted at in the movie and is linked to the other times she acts intensely; we never got to the explanation during the show

Jon Johns

Rosanne! Great suggestion, but she's already seen it... And loved it! Which means your idea is even more in tune ;-) She's posted all the films she's seen, even from before she started her channel, on her Letterboxd page: https://letterboxd.com/pib1/films/by/name/


News about the Firefly 'verse.... https://movieweb.com/heres-what-to-expect-from-the-firefly-reboot-from-disney-plus/

Damon Corrigan

That's a tad scary. This is the first I have heard of it. Thanks for posting the link, @JRCortez.

Chris Reise

Thanx for this info. Something I would definitely be interested in looking more into. And I hope DISNEY would take special care with this.

Sean Novack

I just love watching a new Browncoat being born. Welcome to the Black Cassie!! Love your reactions. What do you do when the series is over? Well, you watch the movie "Serenity" of course! What do you do when you have watched the movie? Get your sister over and you can react to her reacting to the series for the first time. You'll catch more every time you watch it. As good as you are at picking up on things, there's always more there to see when you have a better idea of the backstory. Watching this one at least twice is almost mandatory, and having someone around who hasn't seen it yet to enjoy it with is always a lot of fun. Thanks again for reacting to this series, and for sharing it with us.

Sean Novack

That is one of my all time favorite films! "It's a LANCE! HELLOOOO!!"

Christopher Smith

Sounds like she has seen A Knights Tale. How about put Resident Alien show on the list, I think he is quite funny in that show.


"Jayne." I love that you picked up on that. That moment, and the one in the pilot where he's anxiously watching as Kaylee's operated on, really made him shine for me as a character. He's an easy character to dislike but everyone's on that ship for a reason, and Adam Baldwin plays him wonderfully.