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Hey guys!  Here is the Dunkirk reaction, it was the winner of the recent war film poll. I really enjoyed this in the heartbroken sense though. I liked the three timelines and I thought it was good at making us feel the hopelessness they felt. That one scene with all the leisure boats coming really contrasted that though and was so emotional! There was such little dialogue, that it was harder than other movies to feel as much of an emotional connection to the characters, but still portrayed the fear and desperation of them.

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William Bryan

Good movie isn't it? Praying for Carly and your whole family Cassie 👪🙏❤

Karin Baggie

This movie is better than 1917


Can't wait to watch your reaction. Dunkirk is a subtle war film masterpiece.


Dunkirk has one of the best casts Ive seen in a long time. Also, if you like this one, I would highly recommend '71. It is high intensity but very well done.


It's evening here. So good timing. Let's watch!

David RedEagle

If you haven't already, make sure to watch Darkest Hour. Its focused on Winston Churchill, and the situation in Dunkirk comes up in that film so its a good companion piece.

Texas Anla'Shok

I've heard some say this feels more like a disaster movie than a war movie, in that the Germans are like a force of nature to be survived rather than an enemy to be fought off. I can see that, we never actually see them until the very end and even then their faces are never shown. All before that the Germans are bullets that come out of nowhere, a threat lurking beneath the water, screaming machines raining death from the sky.


Oh boy I’m excited for this one, pushing PLAY……

Raymond Goff V

Memphis Belle is a great movie if you want to see more of the air side of things!

Grégory Gautier

to review..., seen once and I didn't like it... I will give it another chance. I'm curious to see your reaction!

Josh Phillips

That pilot was a true hero. By staying longer than his fuel limit allowed, he knew he was not going home to his family. But he did it so others could. That has to be an agonizing decision. WWII was won because of people like him. It’s tragic that there are thousands of stories like his and even more tragic that it was necessary.


Hey Cassie, I have a suggestion. When you drop a new reaction you usually give your thoughts and opinions on the film in the post. I feel maybe this takes away some of the mystery and anticipation in watching the movie with you. I know we can just choose not to read what you write, but sometimes you put anouncements or info regarding the channel amongst your thoughts and to stay informed we have to atleast skim through what you wrote. I feel if the only way we can find out what you thought is to watch the movie with you, it would generate more excitement and agency to watch the reaction right away. It makes watching the movie with you more fun and could potentially spark more discussion with you in the comments. So im wondering if you would consider maybe not giving us your thoughts in the posts, atleast not initially. If you do want to keep your thoughts in the posts, you could update the post at a later time or just simply label a section/paragraph as 'thoughts', so those of us who dont want to know before watching, we know to avoid that part. But tbh if its their, sometimes we cant help ourselves and read it anyway😋. Just a thought.

Paul G

The evacuation at Dunkirk was called “Operation Dynamo” by the British. It is often regarded as a successful failure. The battles leading up to Dunkirk were unmitigated disasters for the Allies. The British Army lost almost all of their ground vehicles and artillery which is a big reason why it took the Allies four more years to build up enough of a force to even consider an invasion. However, as you saw in the film, most of the soldiers were rescued. All told a little under 340,000 British and French troops were recovered to Britain. Had those troops been lost Britain probably would have needed to seek terms of surrender with Germany. As to why Tom Hardy’s character stayed in the plane…ejection seats as we know them today didn’t become standard equipment until the late 1940s/early 1950s. The Germans did experiment with rocket assisted ejection seats as early 1942 but they never fitted them to front line aircraft during the war. The Allies didn’t develop a similar system until 1946, after the war had ended. WWII pilots were forced to “bail out”, aka jump out of a stricken plane. This was highly dangerous as many pilots struck the aircraft tail on the way out. Rolling the plane inverted and allowing the slipstream and gravity to suck the pilot out was the preferred approach to bailing out but, that wasn’t always practical due to damage and/or injuries. The first choice for any pilot was always to attempt a controlled crash landing, just like we saw with both of the RAF Spitfires in this movie.

Chris W

The character played by Mark Rylance is inspired by Charles Lightoller. He was second officer on the Titanic. He survived on an overturned lifeboat and was the last survivor picked up by the Carpathia. During the Dunkirk evacuation he took his yacht and did pretty much everything you see in the movie, including dodging gunfire and bombs from enemy fighter planes. The man was a legend.


Great reaction. Loved it! But wooooof, rewatching this again made me realize how overrated this movie is

Mike Vasconcelos

The whole miracle of Dunkirk is that the civilians were the ones who rescued all the soldiers mainly. the navy did as well, but the citizens of england were partly the heros.


Great reaction! Love this movie. The only real problem i have with it is the timejumping, it can really mess with your mind so i can understand it was hard keeping up at some parts. Some history. The movie takes place during may/june of 1940. The U.S. officially did not join the war in Europe until December 11th of 1941 with D-Day not happening until June 6th 1944. The evacuation at Dunkirk was concider a small but moraleboosting victory, a little dent you might call it, to the German campaign which had been very successful up until this time. Shortly after this the Germans would launch their massive air offensive on the UK in preparation for a land invasion which ultimately never took place.

TinCan Cosmanaut

They say George died but I saw him shoot dogs in Chernobyl

Mr. Killeverything

I just finished the movie for my first time and I was surprised to see the kid who was doing animal control in Chernobyl Ep. 4. Overall, it was really nerve wracking, kind of like the movie There Will Be Blood. The music had that similar sound to The Dark Knight too. It was good, I should have watched this sooner.


That's interesting that you say that. My reaction was the complete opposite. I saw it in the theater when it first came out. I liked it, but thought people were overrating it.. I just wasn't as impressed as most people seemed to be. This second time watching it, I really got into it and I liked it way more.

Daniel R.

If you remember the beach scene from "Atonement", same event!


Somewhere in there James McAvoy is dying trying to get back to Keira Knightley.

Fireteam Joker

Such a hard movie to watch..... Thank you for your support Cassie! It means the world to us veterans. I recently buried a fellow Marine who lost his battle to depression. Sgt Shannon Dolyan. If you see a veteran please let them know that they are not alone and how much we appreciate them and their service. 22 veterans a DAY take their life. We fought on the battlefield and thought our fight was over when we came home. It turns out the hardest fight was yet to come. It was an honor to serve and thank you and everyone here for your support!

Texas Anla'Shok

The ship getting torpedoed reminded me of another movie you should check out, if you have Apple+, Greyhound.

Krusty “Topher”

I’m sorry to hear about your friend! I’ve talked to many veterans who have dealt with depression stemming from or exacerbated by their service. You’re so right that all of you need encouragement and appreciation from the people you protect. I thank you and your friend for your service!


i agree with the time jumping, totally unnecessary for this. Nolan cant help himself lol

ron young

A pivotal moment in history. I never did look into why the German Army didn’t assault the beach. The British were not going to risk putting the Royal Navy out because of the Luftwafffe. The Germans pinned the British, Canadians, and French against the English Channel.

Catherine LW

The story of Dunkirk was was beautifully described by William Manchester (paraphrased) “Britain’s fathers, sailing to rescue Britain’s exhausted and bleeding sons”.

Gábor Árki

They just rushed through the Ardennes and France. Their supply lines were stretched to the limits and it was mainly the Panzer divisions that made the advance, the regular army was way behind them. Also the Brits and French organized a counter attack to halt the Germans which made the leader of the Panzer divisions, Rommel, quite unnerved. A good 10 minute video on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnWjv9b_UGY

Michael Lynch

Does she not know who Cillian Murphy is?

William Bryan

Nothing really. I just prayed her whole family be relieved from anxiety during Carly's surgery. Nothing major

Jeff I.

Haha, I had the same thought for a moment when she didn't seem to recognize such a distinctive face. But to be fair, if you haven't seen Peaky Blinders or Nolan's Batman series, you probably wouldn't recognize him. Those two roles are arguably where 90% of people know him from.

Gábor Árki

First time watching it in theatre I felt a bit disappointed. I guess I was expecting a more traditional war movie but this is rather a drama set in a war about hopelessness, survival and sacrifice. Watching it a second time knowing what to expect and with Cassie's reaction it was much more impactful. Still the "mole" storyline feels a bit too sterile for me probably because we don't really get to know and connect to the characters. Especially, if I compare it to that amazing 5 minute long take from Atonement. Personally I find the "air" storyline the best mainly because of the amazing cinematography. I wish more movies would revert to shooting with practical solutions. It really makes a difference, especially in these sequences. Cassie, if you enjoyed the aerial footage and want to see some amazing sequences check out Les chevaliers du ciel / Sky Fighters (2005). To be honest the plot and the movie are quite mediocre and forgettable but they shot almost all aerial sequences using real jet fighters of the French Air Force and those are just simply amazing. Another one that I think you would enjoy is Flyboys (2006). It's a story loosely inspired by true events about American volunteers joining the French Air Service and becoming fighter pilots during World War I.


I recommend watching an extremely good documentary on Netflix called "The Greatest Events of WWII in Colour". It really changed my perspective, there's so much stuff I didn't know actually happened. its really interesting

Wes Stewart

The hospital ship used in the movie is the M/S Rogaland which sits in Stavanger harbour in Norway. I used to walk by it every day to and from work. It’s mainly painted black. Before I knew it was being used in the movie it suddenly turned up white and I thought, “What the hell?” Later they added the red hospital crosses but by which time I had learned it was being used in a Christopher Nolan film about Dunkirk. I was super excited to see this movie at the time.


Well he is only really distinctive if you have seen Inception before Dunkirk, unless you have seen Peaky Blinders. He looks quite different in the Batman series. Personally only recognize him from Dunkirk

Gregory Martin

Also interesting documentary is "13 hours that saved Britain"

Joel P

Depressing watching movies like this given what Great Britain has become. Same could be said for most of the Western world. So much sacrifice, and for what...


My question is why didn't the pilot direct his plane toward the beach with the friendlies, even in the water near the boats, why did he just fly off to get captured by the Germans?

Josh Phillips

Definitely agree. The movie pilot was based off of a New Zealand Spitfire pilot called Alan Deere. In real life he made an emergency landing after getting hit with machine gun fire and was captured. I think they took creative liberty on this to represent the thousands of men who held the line and sacrificed their freedom so the evacuation could take place. But they could’ve wrote that part to be a bit more believable.


couldn't agree more. the west has become a neutered shell of it's former self. no grit, no integrity. just conniving little twitter minions pushing agendas to ruin civilization


what a movie. what a story. what a bunch of goddamn heroes. never forget, always give them your thanks.


The British imperialism is showing in that comment.

Raj K. Dixit

Such a great film. If you like Christopher Nolan, try Interstellar - but you'll need lots of Kleenex! It would be perfect for a reaction with Carly.

Björn Von Knorring

I backed the flosser on your recommendation, Cassie. If I don’t like it’s will be on you;-) (I’m joking)


Les Chevaliers has some incredible aerial footage. Even outside the rest of the movie there are some gorgeous shots of the fighters diving in and out of the clouds, etc.


By about half way into seeing it in theaters, I'd settled on it being a horror movie, rather than a traditional war movie. It's a pretty unique take, I think, and appropriate to focus on the terror and randomness of war..


Re: why he didn't direct his plane to be closer to friendlies even in the context of the film.. for one, there wasn't much really controlled by the friendly troops but the bigger thing is the main issue fighters (especially of WWII) had to deal with- energy. You can only keep in the air by staying above the stall speed when the wings don't make enough lift anymore. With a working engine, you can keep that speed with power... out of fuel, every time you go higher or turn you lose energy/speed and can only get it back by sacrificing altitude. He gave up what energy/speed he had left turning to chase off the Stuka attacking the Mole, so he didn't have any options but to try to keep it as straight as possible to keep speed up and try to ease it down as best he could.


Since ejecting kept coming up (why they didn't eject)- might just be wording (understandable) but there was no ejection in WWII planes. They had to open the canopy and climb out/jump away from the plane and pull the parachute so they needed to be at a pretty high altitude to have any chance to get away and have the parachute open in time to slow them down before hitting the ground. So in both of the emergency landings (on water and the beach) it was far far safer to try to land it instead of try to jump out.


So sadly this doesn't work for me anymore? Download link loads without an end not starting a download at all and direct link or emebedded player says it is a private video?

Cassie Tremblay

So sorry! We are switching everything from vimeo to youtube and it's taking a lot longer than expected... with that said this one should be up and working again! Thanks for your patience!


I understand that it's a lot of data that needs to be moved. So thanks a lot.