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Make sure to enter your name on the google form to enter for the draw tonight. I am going to close the form at 7:30 MDT. 

Here's the LINK to the form. 

The link for the live where I'll pick will be posted on discord. If you have had issues with joining Discord through Patreon, here's a an invite link!

 I’ll hop on at 8:30MDT!

See you soon!


Alex Villarreal

Can't wait for the picks. And can't wait to win the next time round!

Mr. Writhms

So let me get this straight. The winners get to request the movies I choose?

Shehab Dawoud

Congrats to the winners. BUT.. PLEASE no popcorn or superhero/Marvel flicks/CGI porn


There was about a bajillion comments on the post about this earlier. I was like “nah”. There’s no way I’m gonna win. But hope the winner chooses something snazzy!


Need to do 13th Warrior

Mark M

I hope the winners don’t feel any pressure at all. If It fits within Cassie’s guidelines it definitely fits in mine. I love a Cassie reaction.


Congrats winners- pick whatever movies you guys want don't worry about us. Enjoy your victory.

Krusty “Topher”

To da winner….goes de spoils!!! Pick Bambi for all I care! We will deal wit it!!

Richard Maurer

Well, I don't like the genres you like, so none of them should be picked. See where I'm going here?

Shehab Dawoud

I don't really care if you like what I like. I'm sure the reason why Cassie created this channel was so she could watch other types of movies than what she's mostly seen, things that she normally wouldn't consider. So if you want to broaden a person's horizon, suggest other types of films than the Avengers and mainstream crap like that, or some blockbuster that she probably was going to watch on her own anyway. Someone else also pointed it out in another post, even great blockbuster films like Die Hard should be put on hold this time, as she's most likely gonna get to it on her own. Edit: YOU were that person who pointed it out. So why are you arguing with me now when I'm basically making the same point you were?..

Em McG

Shoot I think I missed it, I must've gone to sleep, lol. Rainy it was, tired I was. Lots of work, not enough sleep, heh he.

Em McG

I had a movie picked in case I won, hahaha... I even watched it the other night. Remain nameless it shall.

Mark M

post it under suggestions in discord. Maybe it will get added to a future poll


I dont know but its possible he's just saying no one should bully the winners into not picking what they want for fear of disappointing film snobs. Personally I'd rather a pick be a "movie" like Die Hard or The Avengers instead of some pretentious "film" that won the Beijing film festival's coveted crying monkey award.

Shehab Dawoud

I'm not bullying anyone. Just trying to make people be smart about their picks. Christmas is soon, I have no doubt in my mind that Die Hard(just an example) is one that Cassie has her eyes on. What's the point of picking it just so it can get watched a month earlier? It's a waste of a pick. As for the other things you've said, if you'd rather have her watch The Avengers instead of Vertigo, Chinatown, or The Godfather, then I don't know what to tell you. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, but some opinions are just objectively bad. And that has nothing to do with being a film snob, although I don't mind that label at all. I do think highly of my taste and knowledge in the art of film and I don't apologize for that.


ok. you are trying to MAKE them be SMART about their picks. You think they are both morons who, without your wisdom, are sure to do something stupid. You are the smartest in the room and everyone else is an idiot. Got it.

Shehab Dawoud

Not at all. But you basically just took the L for writing such a condescending and patronizing post instead of arguing your case like a normal person. They're gonna pick what they want, I'd be shocked if I had any influence on it. But it's still worth a try. We're all selfish and want things to go in certain directions.


You are correct. I should have just taken the high road and said your opinion was objectively bad.


So us patrons that like foreign films are movie snobs? That's quite the sweeping generalization. Cassie has watched plenty of films that wouldn't be my cup of tea. I've never complained and never would, I've never told her not to watch them and I would never describe fans of those films in derogatory terms. Cinema is subjective. If I like a film and you don't, neither of us are right or wrong. It's an opinion and too many people here don't seem to know the difference between opinion and fact. Just because you say a film is pretentious doesn't make it so. Let Cassie decide for herself.


No. People that make statements like, "Avengers and mainstream crap like that" are film snobs.


But we like pretentious films that win awards outside the US? Maybe you didn't mean to be disparaging but it reads that way. You have an issue with people saying "Avengers and mainstream crap like that", but you're OK dismissing films shown at the BJIFF as pretentious? Bit of a contradiction there, no?


Dude, the beijing film festivals coveted crying monkey award is a joke. Its from Tropic Thunder. Its the award the fake movie Satan's Alley won. I, in no way meant to disparage Beijing or crying monkeys.


Well yeah, I haven't seen TT but I figured Crying Monkey was a joke. But your comment still reads as being dismissive of a wide ranging list of films, right after you complained about "film snobs". I might have missed a bigger picture joke here and "pretentious" may also be tied in with TT? But that word in that context annoyed me, apologies if I've totally misunderstood.


No worries about not getting my dumb joke. Satans Alley is a fake movie the makers of tropic thunder purposely made over pretentious for comedic effect, thats why I said that. I wasnt trying to be dismissive of movies that win awards, I was just giving a personal opinion that I enjoy mainstream movies. To which, I was told my opinion was objectively bad.


Personally, I dont care what the winners pick. Its their right to pick either "mainstream crap" or a "pretentious award winner" as long as they don't pick Satan's Alley. 😀

Shehab Dawoud

Where did I say that you liking mainstream movies is objectively a bad opinion? I used an example that if you prefer The Avengers over The Godfather, then that’s just objectively bad. And I’ll stick to that. Yes it’s subjective, but certain things are as close to being factual.


I think the winners should just pick whatever movies they want to see Cassie react to as long as it keeps within Cassie's rules. They should be able to pick the Teletubbies movie if thats what they want.

Shehab Dawoud

No I didn’t. What I said is different from what you’re saying. You’re allowed to keep up when you’re having a discussion with someone. Otherwise, keep quiet and don’t make waves.


PersonaIly, I prefer The Avengers over The Godfather. You literally said, in the post you asked your question, that you had said that opinion was objectively bad. There is no other way to take that. Oh, and if you respond to this it's just because you want to make waves so, case closed.

Shehab Dawoud

I never said that liking mainstream movies is a bad opinion. Don't put words in my mouth. that's the last warning I'm giving you. And unfortunately, there are many people like you who prefer Marvel movies over all-time classics like The Godfather. That just speaks to the negative direction cinema is going. As the great Marty Scorsese spoke about a few years ago. We, the true film connoisseurs, are fighting a losing battle, but we'll keep fighting.


Sorry everyone. It's just ol' Shehab making waves again. Soon they will be hanging out with their close, personal friend Marty. I'm sure that will calm them down.

Richard Maurer

Wow I'm gone for a few days and come back to a brush fire. For the record, while I do think people should avoid popular films, I gave a reason why - because they will win a poll eventually - without resorting to bashing entire genres of film simply because I don't like them. I mean I hate rom-coms, but I wouldn't tell people to not choose something in that genre because I don't like them. And Shehab Dawoud - this statement - "And unfortunately, there are many people like you who prefer Marvel movies over all-time classics like The Godfather. That just speaks to the negative direction cinema is going. As the great Marty Scorsese spoke about a few years ago. We, the true film connoisseurs, are fighting a losing battle, but we'll keep fighting" makes you sound like a snob. I have seen Godfather I and II probably 5-6 times, great films, but there are MCU films I like better, So to me, yes, some MCU films are better than the Godfather, and I don't care what anyone thinks, because all art is subjective, and those films are the ART that speaks to me. And as for the "great" Scorsese, His embarrassing whining about how super hero films aren't "cinema" was pathetic. How he had to resort to remaking Infernal Affairs as The Departed then doing everything he could to keep the fact that it was a remake quiet was just sad. It made me lose a lot of respect for him, and then his comment on superhero films made me lose what was left. His best films (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull) are far behind him, and his sad anger at a new genre that has recently emerged sounds just like what it is, a bitter old man crying "In MY day, the things I liked were better than the things people like now!!!!!!!" Just pathetic.


Make sure your 2 hours of just fun, popcorn entertainment that doesn't always predictably end with a main character dying, doesn't go over the fence into old man Marty's yard or he will cut it up like a Nerf football.