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Ok Star Wars 5 (but actually 2) jk! I was more excited for this one because I think I was going in with a better understanding of the Star Wars world and also just from reading all the comments on the first one.  It was so fun, the time flew by and oh my gosh "I am your father"... I finally have some context!! Also #HanandLeia4ever

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Ok, I just saw your reaction to 'Star Wars', was really cute but yes, you asked too many questions, which should be expected I guess, we just watched it when it first came out and were in awe of it, didn't analyze it like you're doing but then again, you're going in this as an adult, and probably not too big a fan of sci-fi so you are forgiven. I will watch all the full reactions with you because it's time I saw these movies again.


Hahaha tum tum carcass, that was cute, lol

Dirk Rheeder

Now that you know what a tum tum is, here’s Bill Hader impersonating one https://youtu.be/lhYepnFPqZw

Jon Johns

Cassie! New commercial!! I want one of those PiB phone cases!!! But they're only for iphone and galaxy :-( but they're really nice! #ohmygosh https://www.casetify.com/collections/top-picks-collection

Jon Johns

Okay, I saw this in theaters when I was 14. I seriously only just realized Vader keeps saying, "Obi-Wan taught you well." Because he has no idea that Yoda has been training Luke, and doesn't even know Yoda is still alive. Also, kangaroo llama, and 'hans' are the best. "How did the empire get into power?" Oh man. Political intrigue coming to a theater near you soon! Leia was the princess of Alderaan, her father, Bail Organa, and mother, and everyone she knew were probably killed on that planet. But of course, folks get around in this galaxy, so some folks might not have been present for that particular Holocaust. "It looks like he got burned really bad." LoL. "Baby Yoda" is just a common term for "The Child" in the Mandalorian. Yoda's Species is kind of nebulous, and there is not a lot of canon about them. If you love training montages you'll love Rocky 4, which has one of the best ones ever! "Impossible eye my" -classic Yoda How many planets are there in Star Wars? Maybe 10,000? But only a few hundred in 'canon' stories.

Michael Hawk

One of the reasons the Disney trilogy sucked so much is the creative team didn't understand Star Wars itself and why it worked. One rumor is that Disney wanted Jedi to become like superheroes in their multi-billion dollar Marvel universe. Years of training and meditation, what? That's so booooring. Let's turn Rae into a superhero right, right now! Also, fun fact: George Lucas did want to kill off Han Solo, a decision his editor and wife at the time, Marcia Lucas, smartly talked him out of. Marcia Lucas hates the Disney trilogy too.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Dude, is that some Mandela Effect shiz or did the video literally disappear?

Cassie Tremblay

It's been a bit funky lately. Vimeo is having issues, bit I also think Patreon is as well. If you click the link in the description instead of the player above, it should work!

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Okay I'll try that, was literally waiting to leave work to relax and watch some Star Wars with a new, maybe fan? Guess we'll see haha, my new hope is that you enjoy it half as much as I did when I was a kid ☺️

Daniel Upsdell

All your videos are blurry please help

Jon Johns

Daniel, if you're talking about the video of the movie, it's supposed to be blurry. It's illegal, against copyright laws, to display a movie without permission. She provides a link to how you can find your own copy of the film. Hope that helps. -jj


I'm late watching this one but that was a fun rewatch. I'm glad to see that you enjoyed this one a lot more than episode 4. I appreciate so much your honest reactions. Seeing how you were only (seemingly to me) only "so so" about episode 4, it was awesome to see you grow to love the story and characters along the way. I havent seen episodes 1 or 2 in a good 10-15 years as they weren't my really my thing. I'm not sure how you'll feel but I think you'll at least like them even if you don't love them. Guess we'll find out soon.

Chris Reise

The original trilogy was released 1977 - 1980 - 1983 The prequel trilogy was released 1999 - 2002 - 2005 The Sequel trilogy was released 2015 - 2017 - 2019

David Olden

I first saw The Empire Strikes Back in May, 1980, at the Palliser Twin Cinema in Calgary. I spent most of the rest of the day excitedly describing parts of the movie (especially those immense walkers) to the friend I was in town to see. I was a huge fan of the first in 1977 (and thanks to very generous management, saw it 35 times in the theater!), but with Empire (how to describe…?) it became “real”. Man! this movie ignited my imagination!

China Andronicus

Luke knew it was a trap before he left to go. He talked about it with Yoda and ObiWan and decided he had to go to try to save them, so that Han and Leia didn't suffer on his behalf. And we ALWAYS like Lando! He did the best the best he could while being responsible for an entire colony of people and laid a plan to save Han, Leia, and Chewie at the same time. He's a good dude. <3