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Hey guys! Just a quick update and reminder to vote. There were mostly blowouts in the WB, but it was close between "Rear Window" and "Psycho", with "Psycho" squeaking out a win!





Robert Holmes

Some of those votes physically hurt me


Patreon crowd is going to vote Psycho to the top isn't it, while it's good movie, it is the least entertaining one in this whole list.


I can't stand OZ. Psycho is fine, but feel like Casablanca and 12 Angry Men are the better choices.

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

When taking a film historian's standpoint, it is easy to see why Psycho would beat out 12 Angry Men. However, from a normal person's modern perspective, just in terms of enjoyment and engagement, I think it's comprehensively ludicrous to be recommending Psycho over 12 Angry Men.

William Bryan

There is one movie that I'm waiting for Cassie to see- The Shining.

Catherine LW

Agree. And it’s not what I’d recommend as the first old classic to watch. I love Hitchcock, but this is not his greatest film.

Catherine LW

I was thinking of a different kind of poll for the future, where Patreons choose a classic director from a set time period, and vote on them. Then Cassie chooses a film from the winner and loser directors and watch them. I’d like for her to have a voice in what she watches, as she is so obliging to the choices of her subscribers.


There's always the losers bracket. And Cassie will watch the top 2 or 3 eventually.


THE SHINING and Doctor Sleep. (not as great, still very good but I love how it continued the story)

Em McG

I voted. I'm always late but at least this time I got to vote was it 5 times? Good choices all around, many tough to wrestle with. I still say you have to win your audience first so that they'll come back, so don't give 'em one that they'll say "Meh" to the first time, lol. But I'm probably not recalling these titles properly.

William Bryan

No I do not want Cassie seeing Doctor Sleep, especially since she has has young children. The scene with the baseball boy, just no. I was surprised she watched Prisoners tbh. I could see the pain and fear in her when the girls went missing. 💔

Em McG

I have a question - do you watch the movie as soon as it wins? Or do you watch it at the full watch along? There are good reasons for either one. Normally you're familiar with the film when you watch a reaction therefore you could watch it ahead of time and then possibly watch along then end up seeing it multiple times by the end.

Catherine LW

I usually watch it along Cassie’s full reaction. Regarding this particular poll, I’ve seen all the films already so I’ll watch it with Cassie. . If it’s something I haven’t seen I still watch it with Cassie first, unless it’s a film I don’t like or don’t want to pay to view because I’ve seen it and regard it as not worth a second view.

Charles Mills

When you think about it, choosing a movie without knowing or learning anything about it is almost a random selection. They do make those DnD dice with a bunch of different number of sides up to 20. Perhaps she decides upon a genre and other parameters, gets suggestions meeting those rules, and then records herself rolling the dice and announcing the selection for YouTube.

Catherine LW

Sounds complicated. My point is hopefully great directors will be chosen and Cassie can pick a film after reviewing their respective filmographies. Based on title, synopsis, whatever.

Mingo Wayama

I knew it! The voting is rigged. I think that we should storm Cassie's house and demand that the result should not be certified. (Y'all know I'm kidding, right?)

Krusty “Topher”

It only let me vote once each time. Are we all talking about the same thing? You’re supposed to be able to vote on each matchup every round. So first round yes it lets you vote 8 times because there were 8 matchups. 2cd round you vote 4 times on 4 matchups in the winners bracket. Then you get to vote on each matchup in the losers bracket, You also get to vote daily on the same matchup I think. So are you saying you voted 5 times on the SAME matchup (like 12Angry Men vs Psycho) in ONE day??? There’s supposed to be a pop up that says you’ve maxed out your votes for that particular round after you vote. That’s what I get.

Jon Johns

I also watch the edited YouTube vid After watching the full reaction, I like to see how Cassie edits it down, I like her editing skills.